sh & d word
Cursors made by me using Kega Fusion's screenshot feature, cropped down and bg elements erased using Aseprite: https://store.steampowered.com/app/431730/Aseprite/
sorry if the sega cd model 1 cursor looks weird :/
sh & d word
ok... Bob cat game is nibbler 2, end!
he said crybaby...
Did the nibbler go crazy? what is happening?
good this sega cd cursors
I ain't Bobcat anymore, dumbass
PLUS im not nibbler 2, go fucking kill yourself worthless excuse for human being
Error!! I was referring to an assumption.
I was referring to the end of the syntax in secondary similarity.
To understand better, I will explain. I remember you requested that there be a new forum moderator, and nibbler gained the privilege that is yours? the order is yours. How can a nibbler gain the privilege of his request? That was the assumption.
Well then, stfu cuz i know
Does Dumbass mean Dumbo the Flying Elephant from 1941 ??
achei paia
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