Cursor Set - shaded red Windows 7 aero

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shaded red Windows 7 aero Cursors

shaded red Windows 7 aero
  • Published on December 17th 2013 by red.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
2 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

o.k. there's an improved version of these; these are too dark in my oppinion.
the improved set, off course, is called:
improved shaded red Windows 7 Aero cursors

Tags: Windows 7 ■ Red


by red

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Ludwig registered user on December 29th 2013

This is not a full cursor set! If you make cursors that aren't perfect, please upload them in the same second. It's better to install it on your PC and test it for a while. Then you have the time to improve it before you upload it!

icon-image/7471-32x32x32.png image


user icon Jazz registered user on June 17th 2015

2 out of 5 stars.

It doesnt match, no variety, and less than basic skills. it literally looks horrid, (so does all ur others)! these arent tooooo bad tho. could do with more cariety and colours tho, and not toooo dark. makes it look bad. keep it up and improvve

user icon Anonymous on August 26th 2021

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user icon Anonymous