Cursor Set - Simple Collection

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Simple Collection Cursors

Simple Collection
  • Published on December 4th 2011 by Luky VL4.
  • Released under the For Evaluation Purposes Only license.
2.8 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Uma coleção simples, espero que gostem :-)
Incluem efeitos 3D, transparência e alguns são animados. Avaliem, por favor.


A simple collection, hope you like :-)
Include 3D ​​effects, transparency, and some are animated. Evaluate, please.

PS: sorry for the mistakes of English, because the text was translated by Google Translate.

Tags: Simple


by Luky VL4

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon jojois74 registered user on December 5th 2011

2 out of 5 stars.

k, thes r good but hotspot is off and there are only a few off them. also they are pretty simple. and some are blurry.

user icon Luky VL4 registered user on December 5th 2011

Thanks for comment.
But, LOL, it's SIMPLE collection. The cursors are SIMPLE.
Well, I'll try to improve them, in fact, I'm finishing a collection that will, incidentally, much better.

user icon absterninja registered user on December 6th 2011

3.5 out of 5 stars.

Very cute. Maybe next time you could create a full set? The hotspots are a little off, and the working in background is a little blurry, but I'm sure you will get better later on! icon-image/5334-16x16x32.png image

user icon Luky VL4 registered user on December 6th 2011

Thank you!

I've created a complete collection of deep blue:

However, I'll create a simple and complete collection, since you liked ^^

user icon Anonymous on December 21st 2011


user icon registered user on March 30th 2016

its not a complete set

user icon Anonymous