Cursor Set - Text Edition

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Text Edition Cursors

Text Edition
  • Published on October 23rd 2020 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3.8 out of 5 stars. (5 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This is a completely unique set made with Windows 10's notepad.

Tags: Abstract Text Symbol Windows 10 Application


by Rando

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous Me registered user on October 25th 2020

An interesting concept to be sure

user icon Rando registered user on October 25th 2020

Sadly, because of one cursor, no one is rating it better. Worse ratings give the cursor set less of a chance for people to download. And all because BlackEntity won't update his post. Oof. What do I have to change

user icon Vlazteron registered user on October 25th 2020

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Add a new text select, like this

- -            ---
 I   or this    I
- -            ---

Also the unavailable's hotspot should be in the middle.

user icon Rando registered user on October 27th 2020

Ok, @Vlazteron!


user icon Ezrah562 registered user on October 29th 2020

Huh not that cool |-)

user icon Rando registered user on October 30th 2020

All right, @Ezrah562:
Not everything has to be fancy or done by pixels and not original. Like seriously. The main reason I didn't do normal is because I can't draw. Plus, I wanted to be original. So, shut up with that not that cool bs, because if someone says that, on this set, it's unreasonable, because I made all those cursors in notepad. No one has done that before. If you aren't used to these kinds of cursors, admit it.

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on October 30th 2020

1.5 out of 5 stars.

A cool concept, but executed very poorly working in background and busys hotspots are all over the place, you cheaped out on the pen and didn't even try to make a pen one and it makes this set look lazy, and some of the cursors still have white in them, some of them are blurry, and some of them have weird hotspots.

user icon Rando registered user on October 31st 2020

I suck at pixel design, so sadly, the white problem can't really be fixed on my end, unless someone just comes in and does a collab with me. I'm working on the Working in BG and Busy cursors rn, and making a pen cursor at the same time. Remember that the white is just it being organic and at this point I embraced it. :P

Also please tell me how to make a pen cursor in text, I can't find a design :-(

Seriously I dont exactly know how to delete the white.

user icon Speechless registered user on November 30th 2020

4 out of 5 stars.

Hey, you wanted me to, so here I am! The new help select looks nice, and I downloaded it, and it looks a lot better! Sorry about the previous post.
Also shut the heck up, @Ezrah562. @Random is right. I have handmade sets, and I don't think they're good either. Nothing is perfect, so don't expect it to be.

user icon ⓟⓘⓚⓐⓒⓗⓤⓡⓤⓢ registered user on January 20th 2021


user icon Anonymous