Cursor Set - Windows 10X

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Windows 10X Cursors

Windows 10X
  • Published on April 15th 2021 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (11 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Summary of Windows 10X:

There’s a good chance you’ve heard about Windows 10X, the new version of Windows that’s about to be released. And if you have, there’s a reasonable chance you’re confused about what exactly it is.

You’re not alone. Microsoft has released confusing, sometimes clashing information about the new operating system. We’re here to help. Read on for everything you need to know about the upcoming Windows 10 variant.

Windows 10X resembles Windows 10 in some ways but has been built entirely on code from a universal Windows codebase called Windows Core OS. (Windows 10 also uses code from Windows Core OS but adds unique code of its own.).

Windows 10X won’t replace Windows 10, and it eliminates many Windows 10 features including File Explorer, although it will have a greatly simplified version of that file manager. Its interface is simpler and more stripped down than Windows 10, and it will run only on hardware designed for it, not on hardware that currently runs Windows 10.

About this cursor set:

This cursor set is an ultra modern, black and sharp style sized cursor set for use with Windows 10X. Users may choose to use that cursor set on normal Windows 10 machines but this cursor set is more useful for Windows 10X. Please be aware that Windows 10X is a stripped down version of Windows 10, which runs on dual screen tablets and laptops. That is the reason why this cursor set does not come with any additional action cursor roles like "Location Select" and "Person Select". All the cursors in this set are black, except the two cursors with the spinning wheels. This cursor set has a total of 20 cursor roles.

Personal Use:

I have uploaded this cursor set so that users on the RealWorld website can download it and use it on their Windows 10X machines. Permission of use was given by me on from the link below:


The author alexgal23 is the holder of this cursor set on the website. I do not know who is the original author of this cursor set, but it is surely created by Microsoft originally. There is no infringement intended by me or alexgal23. I am sharing this cursor set here legally.

View the author of this cursor set from the link below:


The appropriate license for this cursor set is "Custom (contact author)". I have already requested permission on the website for sharing permissions of this cursor set on the RealWorld website.

Tags: Windows 10 ■ Black



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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on February 21st 2024

this looks good

user icon RIDDLER registered user on February 22nd 2024

This is one of the very best looks for my collection of black cursor sets on my profile.

user icon Anonymous on July 24th 2024

You forgot person select and location select

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 26th 2024

No. I did not forget anything this cursor set does not have the Location Select, nor the Person Select cursor roles.

user icon Anonymous on August 12th 2024

thees look like pop os cursors

user icon RIDDLER registered user on August 13th 2024

Those are good cursors.

user icon Anonymous on October 11th 2024

8-) :-o :-D ;-)

8-) somewhat noes, my cursor is an lacked bug, tested but works on original, pre tested but too hoot 8-)

user icon RIDDLER registered user on October 13th 2024

Windows 10 cursors are great. Windows 10X was discontinued before the release of Windows 11.

user icon Anonymous on December 17th 2024

Cool but big.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 17th 2024

I like all cursor sizes as long as they are made from good quality designs. This cursor set has a small-medium size design.

user icon Anonymous