Icon Set - BerryBerry

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BerryBerry Icons

  • Published on September 10th 2012 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.9 out of 5 stars. (8 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This little set has 14 raspberry and blackberry icons which you are free to use in any designation. One of my first icon sets, I made them for my own desktop and amusement. They were awful when I started! I kept reworking them until they pleased me enough to use them, and I still use them today! I like to customize my folders and desktop with aesthetically pleasing icons of all types.

I made the larger icons first, not realizing whilst making them that the berry sizes would not be consistent with the 4 and 6 berry icons. Once I saw the problem, it made perfect sence, I made the smaller versions to accommodate for the size difference. There's only one size for the Berry 4 and Berry 6 icons.

I used to use only other people's icon creations and never dreamed of a day when I would be making my own icons, but thanks to Vlasta and RealWorld here I am again! I hope these please you as much as they have me and you use often in good health!

They're making me hungry!

Have fun with them! icon-image/6385-32x32x32.png image icon-image/7559-48x48x32.png image

I would appreciate a link back to this icon set page if you decide to use the icons.


Tags: Food or Drink □ Multicolored


by cdl

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on September 16th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

They look very realistic good job.
You get 5 icon-image/1424-16x16x32.png image STARS


user icon cdl contributing user on September 17th 2012

icon-image/7500-48x48x32.png image You are so generous!
I love that you are pleased with them!
I really want some fruit salad or some berries and cream! lol
THANKS for rating, it's berry exciting! icon-image/7559-48x48x32.png image

user icon Daniel W. registered user on September 24th 2012

4.5 out of 5 stars.

These look pretty good. They look so good I could eat them. 2b large is my favorite.

user icon grotesquemess registered user on October 1st 2012

5 out of 5 stars.


user icon cdl contributing user on November 4th 2012

icon-image/7500-48x48x32.png image
Thanks for the ratings and comments guys!
Glad you like them so much. icon-image/3089-32x32x32.png image

user icon Intellisthetics registered user on November 4th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.


user icon AmberZen registered user on March 19th 2013

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Okay, I missed another one! lol
I guess you were right, I thought it was just the new ones. icon-image/6387-32x32x32.png image

You know these are kind of crappy but they look like real berries in the icons.
I know the small blue one is not cutoff but it sorta looks like it is.
If you rework any I would recommend these cause they are pretty good already.
I see you donated them into the public domain think I understand why.
gonna ask u.. just a min..

user icon deadly bro registered user on April 3rd 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

Hmm,yummy i love blue berry my one of my favourite fruits really good won't mind to say that this set is icon-image/1497-16x16x32.png imagestars

user icon cdl contributing user on April 4th 2013

Glad so many like berries!
Thanks for the comments and ratings!

user icon baca registered user on December 16th 2022

5 out of 5 stars.

wow. noce berrys and this cursor makes me berry hungry.

user icon Anonymous