Icon Set - Cross

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Cross Icons

  • Published on February 11th 2013 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (9 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

A variety of lovely symbolic crosses and bibles are found in this set of icons offered in a number of colors and finishes.

This set of Cross icons is free to use for personal and non-profit use only. These icons are NOT designated to the Public Domain. You may not remix or adapt any part of these icons. You may not make commercial use of the icons in part or as a whole without first obtaining a license from the author. You may not offer them, in part or as a whole, in any set for sale or download under any conditions. You may only make use of these icons for commercial purposes by obtaining a license from the author.
You must post a link to the icon set located within the RealWorld Graphics website as attribution if you use them on a personal or non-profit website. If you are not certain if you need to obtain a license you may contact the author for more information. Licensing terms and prices vary as to use and duration. Explain the intended use and duration when asking for licensing information.

Registered members of RealWorld Graphics, rw-designer.com, may use these icons freely within the RealWorld Graphics website, RealWorld Forum, and on their personal computer.
To contact the author, Candy Adams, send an email to CyberDreamLady@gmail.com.

Tags: Symbol Metal Culture □ Multicolored


by cdl

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon mcgreeny registered user on April 13th 2013

haliluya I'm going to use this alot

user icon cdl contributing user on April 13th 2013

icon-image/7500-48x48x32.png image

Thanks for rating Jake!

user icon deadly bro registered user on April 13th 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

oh i forgot to rate AGAIN boy maybe i should check on my brain memory,they are really good but i just realized something what is the ankh has to do with the bible

user icon cdl contributing user on April 13th 2013

The Ankh is also known as the key of life, the key of the Nile or crux ansata
(Latin meaning "cross with a handle"). These are Cross icons not Biblical icons.

Thanks for rating the set!

icon-image/7500-48x48x32.png image

user icon PogChamp69 registered user on May 14th 2014

5 out of 5 stars.

Man! 60 Icons? WoW! :-o

user icon cdl contributing user on May 15th 2014

icon-image/10305-48x48x32.png image
Thanks for the rating!
Yup, there be a few here in this one!
Think I was on a roll!

icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on February 26th 2015

I loved it


user icon ah9t10 registered user on April 16th 2021

Bad cursor I am a Muslim bad bad

user icon Anonymous on May 31st 2023

Love it

user icon tauruzsun registered user on July 17th 2023

5 out of 5 stars.

icon-image/24265-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24265-16x16x32.png image LOVEEE THESEE

user icon Anonymous