SYNTHCRѺ's profile

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SYNTHCRѺ's profile

View SYNTHCRѺ's timeline, last visit on October 17th 2024

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Joined in July 2012 | 16 Cursor Sets | 200+ Cursors | 80000+ Downloads

About Me

Thanks for looking me up. If you like my work or have some suggestions just tell me. Also if you have some ideas for my future cursor sets please tell me. Also be sure to check my Blog for future sets and useful information.

Information and Tips

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Want to Participate in the Theme of the Month Contest and win prizes? (Overview | Rules | Prizes | Suggestions)

Other Art

Frames for use with RW Card Creator. You can download them here.

rsrc/wood-and-metal-construct.png image rsrc/wood-with-metal-trim.png image rsrc/purple-heart-wood.png image rsrc/oak-with-metal-inlay.png image rsrc/mahogany-wood.png image

Featured art


Circuit Cursors (20 cursors)

Released on August 2nd 2012 by SYNTHCRѺ

This epic animated set contains cursors that look like circuit boards with flashing LEDs and a cursor for all 15 roles. If you like technology and computers then this is the set for you! If you download or if you just like this set please rate and and tell me what you think in a comment. Thanks. Also be sure to check out my other cursors.


This set is for Personal Non Commercial Usage Only! Do not re-post this set or any part of this set to any site on the internet. If you modify any part of this set do NOT re-post it. If you wish to feature this set on your site you may copy the images of the cursor(s) that you wish to use and provide a link to this site.

This set reached 10,000 downloads on March 9, 2017 after being online for 1680 days (or 4 years, 7 months, 7 days)

Latest art

Matrix Concept TeaserMatrix Concept Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ5210Here are some Matrix themed cursors I've been working on. They are al...
Neon Genesis Evangelion Themed TeaserNeon Genesis Evangelion Themed Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ7083Simple cursors that use the color palettes of the Evangelion Units as...
8-Bit Heart Teaser8-Bit Heart Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ5632Heart cursors that look like the ones seen in the life bar of an 8-bi...
Corn TeaserCorn Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ2355Cursors that look like corn. These were designed for the theme of the...
Red Dot Sight TeaserRed Dot Sight Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ3295Red Dot Sights. Please tell me what you think in a comment. NonCommer...
8-Bit Weapon Teaser8-Bit Weapon Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ22kWeapons that look like they are from an 8-bit game (or like Minecraft...
Steel Afterglow TeaserSteel Afterglow Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ872There is a type of steel so rare that it can't be found on Earth. Thi...
Cherry Wood TeaserCherry Wood Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ456A set of cursors designs to look like cherry wood. I made this set du...
Wood TeaserWood Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ19933D cursors that look like wood. I am just going to start with three t...
Circuit TeaserCircuit Cursors
by SYNTHCRѺ20kThis epic animated set contains cursors that look like circuit boards...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where SYNTHCRѺ participated

Recent comments

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user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on November 8th 2021

Thank you!

user icon nightklp registered user on January 15th 2022

Glad i see your profile it was fun see your cursor! their are EPIC!

user icon TenZue registered user on February 17th 2022



user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on May 4th 2022


icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

user icon Moved registered user on June 5th 2022


user icon Goodbye? registered user on April 28th 2023

wow,you have many goodlooking sets,nice!

user icon TenZue registered user on September 20th 2023

Hello SYNTHCROS, I really like your cursor's they are very nice. But anyways for what I am here for:

I would like to ask if I could have a red spray bottle? I really appreciate it if I could have one, thank you!


user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on September 21st 2023


Send me 3 buttons and I'll send you a red spray paint.

user icon TenZue registered user on September 23rd 2023


I have provided you a bag with three buttons. Thanks for doing business with me.

user icon ĐɼɛɑɯÐøɭɭ¹² registered user on April 7th


user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?