Matias0211 (2012-04-10 22:13:18 / 4.5 stars):
without the arrows :3 these look great! sixλxis (2012-04-11 11:51:17 / 5 stars):
LMAO 5 stars Youre missing bad poker face lol Lost Girl (2012-04-12 08:32:35 / 5 stars):
Omfg. That's all I've got to say....Absolutely marvelous!!! I Virum64 (2012-04-12 20:36:13):
I copy-pasted the pictures in a new cursor. Then, I created a new layer and I drew the faces with the pencil tool. And here is the result after deleting the first layer... Unknown author (2012-04-18 01:32:58):
my favs... seththepeaceful (2012-04-23 19:35:58):
omg!!!! amazing dude!!! sosnh (2012-05-02 06:09:47 / 5 stars):
Nice. I love Internet Memes. This is very nice. So Worth the 5 stars I am giving it. Unknown author (2012-06-29 05:31:59):
ME GUSTA DarkOmega300 (2012-07-06 18:29:39 / 5 stars):
SWEEEEEEEEEEETT Unknown author (2012-08-01 17:02:58):
How to Apply this please tell me?????? Virum64 (2012-08-01 17:27:07):
Right-Click >> Properties >> Personalize >> Change Icon >> Open the icon. Unknown author (2012-08-31 04:14:07):
Unknown author (2012-09-16 05:31:20):
LOS QUIERO :MEGUSTA: Carly (2012-10-13 03:09:31 / 4.5 stars):
Nice Meme faces ^^.It always gets a good laught out of me x3 Unknown author (2012-11-02 17:54:14):
Wow, just wow. Unknown author (2012-11-09 22:06:10):
:troll: Unknown author (2012-12-05 16:34:35):
all in my forum. as smilies Unknown author (2013-01-16 21:16:35):
help how do you work this thekittyperson (2013-03-11 20:35:19 / 5 stars):
deadly bro (2013-03-21 18:42:49 / 3 stars):
nice but i actually prefer these Virum64 (2013-03-22 13:27:30):
Why do you say they are aggressive ? Unknown author (2013-03-22 15:12:44):
Da Best okkkk. broo okkk.. deadly bro (2013-04-08 11:32:50):
Well the names are,i mean you can't just put the word of BITCH and FUCK and FUCKING in front of all people and in the names you could just change it to a better thing away from bad words such as these (seriously for fucking,come on for bitch) i am sure there are better words thatguy (2013-04-13 01:55:34 / 2.5 stars):
This is a good set with good graphics Virum64 (2013-04-13 11:42:14):
@deadly bro: The "Bitch please" one can also be called "Yao Ming" but for the other ones, they don't have an alternative name. Unknown author (2013-05-02 17:25:28):
that is way better now good job giving you 5 stars now if only i can deadly bro Unknown author (2013-06-09 15:07:59):
Unknown author (2013-07-16 19:27:58):
ingles uff q chato ninguem fala portugues ? Funfado Unknown author (2013-08-02 19:53:51):
yes Unknown author (2013-08-12 18:37:09):
Very good icon. I like it. Thanks Unknown author (2013-08-30 09:02:03):
bad icon , very very badd thekittyperson (2013-10-17 19:04:20):
In other words, Unknown author (2013-10-22 16:02:20):
some one needs 2 makea smosh cursor Unknown author (2013-12-27 20:41:31):
<epic) OMCE (2014-01-04 18:42:00 / 5 stars):
=Epic Crap= Unknown author (2014-01-26 05:06:27):
Looks weird . cheesepuff (2014-02-01 12:19:33 / 5 stars):
me gusta. mucho gusta. Unknown author (2014-02-05 14:23:07):
ur bum looks nice with some chocolate sauce on! yummy! Unknown author (2014-02-08 18:26:59):
(lol) me encanta Unknown author (2014-02-24 21:07:19):
Great cursors! Make more please! Unknown author (2014-03-31 13:19:27):
please, forever alone!! Unknown author (2014-05-04 08:54:52):
anfrien home mom friends you Unknown author (2014-07-02 08:17:55):
lol Unknown author (2014-07-02 22:16:04):
Todos anónimos XD
Unknown author (2014-08-25 12:07:24):
ME GUSTA FOREVER ALONE. Unknown author (2014-09-03 22:51:11):
ESTA DE LOS MEJOR Unknown author (2014-09-14 00:24:23):
lol Unknown author (2014-09-16 17:03:45):
I GOT XD Unknown author (2014-09-18 04:34:11):
WTF why are they icons i cant download them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2014-10-01 23:11:01):
wtf Unknown author (2014-10-20 10:23:06):
lol Imagine (2014-10-23 20:09:09 / 5 stars):
really... memes Unknown author (2014-10-31 14:51:39):
Lool, it's reality ^^ Frankie (2014-12-04 00:03:23 / 2.5 stars):
Im sorry but this is not a cursor set i can use because you didnt put in crosshairs that i can use so i have no idea where im clicking. Unknown author (2014-12-18 13:40:59):
lol what same u have no firends lol u haveno firends nickjnoodle (2015-01-18 03:19:15):
Omg Unknown author (2015-02-17 21:43:34):
LOOOOOOOOL TO SWEG FUR THUS SH*T!!!! Unknown author (2015-03-14 03:16:32):
my is mito Unknown author (2015-04-11 20:17:48):
omg cool Unknown author (2015-04-28 15:04:51):
lol Unknown author (2015-05-13 11:13:42): going well love it hhahaha Unknown author (2015-07-05 19:42:14):
OMG JacK (2015-07-21 04:49:01 / 4.5 stars):
Awesome Ludwig (2015-07-22 20:50:31 / 3 stars):
They're not suitable for any size but 32x32. Unknown author (2015-07-29 11:39:13):
so how do i set it as my cursor once i download it? Mahlzeit (2015-08-06 08:32:31 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2015-08-17 06:52:35):
i am anonymous we do not forgive we do not forget Unknown author (2015-08-30 03:02:00):
funny. Unknown author (2015-10-19 01:22:45):
Derp.ico Did I do it? AlphaOmega (2015-10-27 12:25:06 / 4.5 stars):
Let's be honest: These just HAD to be made at some point. Unknown author (2015-10-29 08:58:25):
cant find but good enough Unknown author (2015-11-05 12:22:49):
Awesome Unknown author (2015-11-20 17:52:18):
MEMEZZ RWCursor (2015-12-05 06:06:57):
THis is not a cursor this is a icons Unknown author (2016-02-04 19:33:56):
wow wow rwcurser, calm down Unknown author (2016-02-05 11:21:46):
hi im bob i like small foods Unknown author (2016-02-09 15:58:53):
love Unknown author (2016-02-11 18:21:11):
i like it Unknown author (2016-03-11 09:00:04):
haha long boy???? Unknown author (2016-03-13 14:28:42):
Are these cursors or icons? Unknown author (2016-03-30 10:02:23):
icon-7111 icon-7110 icon-7108 icon-7116 Unknown author (2016-04-11 16:53:02):
1v1 me on club penguin m9 Unknown author (2016-04-18 22:40:55):
these memes are old asf tho? boi, do the new memes tho! do pepe cursors, do MLG cursors m8 i swear on me mum Unknown author (2016-06-03 23:23:35):
quiciera mas memes y mas iconos Unknown author (2016-06-09 23:18:44):
oi oi oi oi real good Sexy Samoan (2016-06-10 13:22:51):
jow do you upload? Unknown author (2016-08-17 15:51:52):
So now we're going back to the good ol' 2006 memes. This is the probably the most cancerous this on the internet since the minion movie game out, the only people that is going to download this mouse cursor is some fat weeaboo that wears a green hoodie all the time that jumps down from tables are says "I'm gay." There is no point for this to exist at this current time, maybe back about a decade ago, but now these "memes" are pointless. There just cringe and nobody wants them back ever. You're just digging up the grave of the meme and pissing on it one more time. If something is dead just let it be that way. Unknown author (2016-10-03 10:16:53):
dont get wide anoynomous cheeky poof^ Unknown author (2016-10-07 11:05:17):
yur mums a meme Unknown author (2017-02-02 13:05:14):
nice Unknown author (2017-03-08 00:12:11):
At least these memes are from the better decade, before cancer(seriously? using cancer as an insult?? that's just as bad as saying gay!!) and cringe were a thing. Unknown author (2017-03-11 00:24:05):
omg is cool Unknown author (2017-04-05 14:18:14):
made in 2012. probs not gonna make more. loads of ppls being like MAKE MORE NEW MEMES Unknown author (2017-06-09 10:46:02):
oi oi oi oioioi get better ones there BAD BUT JUST THE NEW PREMIER LEAUGE TEAMS CUZ BRIGHTON AINT THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2017-06-09 11:24:30):
I love memes! THESE NEW MEMES LIKE IDUBBBZ ARE JUST FAKE IMPOSTERS WHO ARNT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THESE FACES ARE THE TRUE OG MEMES!!!!! Unknown author (2017-08-16 04:06:40):
yolo! so cool! Unknown author (2017-08-27 23:32:51):
smex freddy77 (2017-09-05 02:41:48):
WTF Goodbye (2017-09-08 22:42:38 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2017-09-09 13:49:58):
WAESOMEEEEEEEEEE I MEANT AWESOMEEEEEEEE LOL Unknown author (2017-09-10 02:18:43):
coll Unknown author (2017-09-24 14:15:34):
I Love Memes! hello (2017-09-28 04:35:09 / 5 stars):
I still read Rage Comics in 2017 (how do you get the icons in the review? i can't figure it out) Unknown author (2017-10-08 11:27:37):
HOLY SHIT MEMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES Trickz (2017-11-20 19:39:43 / 5 stars):
Those were the days... Rage Comics are still a thing I think. I just wish we could go back. Back before all of the drama on youtube started. Back to when ROBLOX was actually decent. The nostalgia is rushing towards me. Everything seems... a bit better during those times. Friend, you brought back the feeling I had when I first saw a rage comic. GG. Vinickw (2017-11-29 20:08:47 / 5 stars):
Those icons are good, because a like the Unknown author (2018-01-06 11:23:22):
loolololol Unknown author (2018-01-10 13:05:46):
EAT ME Unknown author (2018-02-07 04:34:56):
this is so funny lmao xd xdx frick you Unknown author (2018-04-20 01:30:54):
memes!!! Waffle Alien (2018-05-19 10:48:53 / 2.5 stars):
im sorry but these memes are dead Unknown author (2018-06-20 21:10:42):
The internet was such a nice place. Unknown author (2018-10-05 14:44:59):
how do you equip it Unknown author (2018-11-06 11:27:59):
lol i got it Geometrybro (2019-02-05 16:05:04 / 5 stars):
when the internet memes weren't full of retards... Unknown author (2019-02-08 11:46:47):
radclifee is a noob Unknown author (2019-02-11 03:05:02):
i shall eat you Unknown author (2019-04-24 21:28:43):
the noterdame catherdral is not there, not accurate enough for me to download lolol Unknown author (2019-04-28 19:03:07):
epic. Unknown author (2019-05-09 15:42:06):
Unknown author (2019-05-23 07:45:43):
yummy Unknown author (2019-08-30 19:18:15 / 4 stars):
I dont can us the icons in .png Unknown author (2019-09-02 20:21:42):
This is really retarded, I LOVE IT LOLOLOLOL Unknown author (2019-10-28 20:19:09):
What the heck Anonymous (Posted At August 30th), How did you Rate? Unknown author (2019-11-21 21:09:07):
About the classification:Thats my classification, so dont come to tell me "No, thats not the real classification, it is more poop/perfect". Lol, and if u tell me "No, thats not the real classification, it is more perfect" literally how do i can change it to be more better? :V Its alr in the max classification. Unknown author (2019-11-22 01:03:40):
icon 7116Oh lol. Now time to know what more about this...Click this link to reset the page if troll face doesnt downaload.