Cursor Library - sets #1761-1800

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Cursor sets

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by oriolego861played the game on 3ds, thought it was cool, found some sprites, made...
by juanello987Cursor transparent with 3D effect.
by juanello1243Cursor transparent with 3D effect
by juanello987Cursos transparent with 3D effect
Random Pointers TeaserRandom Pointers Cursors
by Mosher193Just some random Pointers i make when I'm bored I will actually updat...
Bees TeaserBees Cursors
by jumbojoe19117
by juanello551Blue vitreous cursor full animated
HAL TeaserHAL Cursors
by Waffsel8237Third set (It's all animated of course)! The unavailable is supposed ...
My first Set: Pineapples TeaserMy first Set: Pineapples Cursors
by ctarmansy250A delicious yellow fruit that appears in every Psych episode. This wa...
Dark Angel TeaserDark Angel Cursors
by 00Danny135Hello, this is my first cursor set, I hope you all enjoy it, if there...
Dark Angel (improved) TeaserDark Angel (improved) Cursors
by 00Danny198Hello, I thought it would be better to have the cursor black with a w...
Tinny Ninja from Japan TeaserTinny Ninja from Japan Cursors
by Funny Snowman3384Japanese leading cultural series as part 1, Our proud of side job the...
The Samurai from Japan TeaserThe Samurai from Japan Cursors
by Funny Snowman1500Japan's cultural series part 2, Our proud of Samurai. You can still m...
Lefty and glass TeaserLefty and glass Cursors
by Funny Snowman921Lefty cursors, and I just aware of transparentable mouse pointer can ...
Jesus TeaserJesus Cursors
by mike-for-JESUS854This set is a set of cursors that contain a verses cursor, i love Jes...
Rainbow TeaserRainbow Cursors
by Jman176This is my first set enjoy!:)
Destructive Fruits TeaserDestructive Fruits Cursors
by mike-for-JESUS148A set with destructive fruits. One burns, one explodes, and one is cu...
i pod nanos Teaseri pod nanos Cursors
by The Male Boss319comes with 1_7 gen all your for free
Jesus cross TeaserJesus cross Cursors
by Jason1335if you have suggestions for new ones feel free to share.
Stix TeaserStix Cursors
by Daniel W.599This one is just super simple. I made these some time ago but just d...
alphabet Teaseralphabet Cursors
by Jason722enjoy my lovly alphabet cursors. :~) M-extra is my favorite, but O-ex...
DEVIL TeaserDEVIL Cursors
by juanello800Devil cursor full animated
Spotz TeaserSpotz Cursors
by 5uperdyl231simple yet effective
Mega-Man TeaserMega-Man Cursors
by oriolego3663I know there's already TONS on the site, but I made some anyway!most ...
Chrono Trigger Nu TeaserChrono Trigger Nu Cursors
by ctarmansy533The most awesome things in Chrono Trigger are undoubtedly the Nu's. W...
Lotro based pointers TeaserLotro based pointers Cursors
by nsqui5823A set of cursors i made based on the Lord Of The Rings Online cursor....
POINT TeaserPOINT Cursors
by juanello1072Point cursor full animated
Betty Blue Girl TeaserBetty Blue Girl Cursors
by bubbles47345Betty Blue Girl
Mrcool581 TeaserMrcool581 Cursors
by mrcool581248It isn't great but it is something. The background working smiley can...
Dez Sleek TeaserDez Sleek Cursors
by Dakantra2806A sleek set, red outlined with black. No gradients or jagged edges. T...
Cool swords TeaserCool swords Cursors
by deadly bro3063i made these to work with the cool shields icon set that i made and a...
Transparent grey TeaserTransparent grey Cursors
by nsqui51339Transparent grey simple cursor set by NS
Fairy Tale Collection TeaserFairy Tale Collection Cursors
by Your Friend1274Collection contains Fairy Mother, Witch, Potion Pot, Candle, Spider W...
Red and Black Aero TeaserRed and Black Aero Cursors
by The_Savveir26kThis is my first Cursor set that I made, I saw one like it but it onl...
Stick Rainbow Man TeaserStick Rainbow Man Cursors
by bubbles47452Stick Rainbow Man
Vista & Win 7 icons
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