Cursor Set - ᵘⁿᶠⁱⁿⁱˢʰᵉᵈ3DO's ARMY MEN⁽¹⁹⁹⁸⁾

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ᵘⁿᶠⁱⁿⁱˢʰᵉᵈ3DO's ARMY MEN⁽¹⁹⁹⁸⁾ Cursors

ᵘⁿᶠⁱⁿⁱˢʰᵉᵈ3DO's ARMY MEN⁽¹⁹⁹⁸⁾
5 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

As per THTH's request.

The game's cursors are kinda bland,
I'm kinda surprised he'd ask for 'em,
given his fine tastes...
still, game cursors are cursors & game assets,
a request is a request, & media preservation
is a noble, whileworthy endeavour.~

I spent wayy too much time at night
making too many, as-bland, custom supplements,
time I could've spent figuring out
how to implement the pompous Commandœs BEL ones
(as per previous request always by him)...

but again, I took a break from
all the technicalities entailed,
& delivered something easier
(arguably better than nothing).

All of these were a rather pleasant breeze
after a tedious, heavily caffeine-driven work day.

Dev crediting :
Designer (?) - K.Bullen
Art Direction - K.Bullen & W.Ianneo
Artwork -
N.Myerhoff, S.Ruggels, M.Parisi,
A.Muolic, B.Lopez, J.Maynard
Design -
B.Wilcox, D.Fruin, B.Lopez,
R.Zalot, J.Bates, T.Hawkins

Special thanks -
G.Richardson, B.Martin, M.Vaverka,
Bj.Cholewinski, K.Erden, J.Fennel,
L. Ozer , D. Bunch


Release serie 1 bis
What's new with bis :

-Wait off of (gray) Sarge's radio
-WiB off of the earlier & the in-game arrow ;
-Trio of counter WiBs based on
the menu arrow & the numerals seen
in the Multiplayer map-selection screen;
-Trio of the earlier without the arrow, for Wait;
-Sound options' "ON" button reversed into "NO"
(for unavailable, no-drop, etc), coloured as-is;
-Yet another unavailable, the in-game arrow
overlayed by the uninstall icon's circle-backslash;
-Six shoddy, black diagonals, edits of
the Cursor3.cur extracted from the .exe ;
-MP map-selection arrows, all-white recolor.


Back in release 1 -
-Menu & in-game arrows ;
-Cursor3(blob w/ 4 arrows) extracted from
the .exe via ResourceHacker ;
-The red crosshair cursor ;
-Squad commands atk(m16 rifle)&def(D shield) cursors ;
-Airstrike(bomb)&paratroop(parachute) cursors ;
-The two txt-input markers, from
the MP map selection & in-game chat ;
-Horizontal&vertical arrows,
from MP map screen & sound options(excl.yellow),
& alterations thereof ;
-Alteration of the SquadCmdDef cursor
with an ( i ) for info ;
-"NO" unavailable cursors, based off
the sound options' "ON" button, in the styles
of the other cursors ;
-Trio of unavailable made w/
the circle-backlash from uninstall.ico,
w/ all-white & b&w variants ;


Missing :
-More proper diagonals? (wip) ;
-MP setup unit cursors,
w/ its 4-color variants;
-Something else probably, I forget -_- ;

Tags: Simple Windows XP ■ Black □ White Game ■ Red


by ꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂

See also

Diluc Ragnvindr TeaserDiluc Ragnvindr Cursors
by LisSweetie9281Diluc Ragnvindr from Genshin Impact
Razor TeaserRazor Cursors
by LisSweetie4397Razor from Genshin Impact

Recent reviews and comments

Vote me down, Scotty!

user icon THTH registered user on January 31st

5 out of 5 stars.

Hello collector, you're right, they are a bit lonely, I'll leave you a gift in the direct message!!

Fun little fact :
the game uses obscure stock music!

A portion of the Bayou missions'
music track (imeo, the best heard in-game)
is also heard at some point towards the end
of the animated Disney film
"The great mouse detective".

Take a listen :

Hey, where's my downvœt? *le angery fæç*

...and alas, I couldn't choose
just one set of arrows per-role,
because :
1-As a fussy concerned with dev fidelity,
I had little to work with, no consistence,
& many plausible conjectures ;
2-I have limited decisional autonomy,
& struggle making choices ;
3-You can choose yourself the ones
you find the most proper. ~ ;}

I take everything back :
Army Men (1998) stuff is fun.

Update to serie 1 bis is inbound...
but I need sleep xP

user icon RIDDLER registered user on February 1st

5 out of 5 stars.

Very nice set but some hotspots for the shields should be in the middle.

Nope Riddler,
the devs put 'em funny like that
(I checked ;-) ).

To be fair, they also ought've made
the various other cursors either
red, white with black borders,
or black with white borders.

Nope, airstrike&paratroop are all-white,
& squad cmd atk is in 2 shades of gray... xÞ
Maybe the devs had better things to do
than focusing on those...

like, you know, making a cursor for each unit
in the Multiplayer setup, each briefly seen
only as it hovers on the bottom bar LøL xD.

user icon Anonymous on February 21st

...mayhap I ought have a few sessions
with IrfanView, so that I may
rip those unit placement cursors
in one fell swoop...

...and a hot-spot
on the verti arrows
is OFF, darnit!

user icon Anonymous