There's no way Riddler's gonna rate this
with 5 undeserved stars! It's so anonymous,
the Canadian No-Name brand products' packaging
has far more personality than this xÞ
Anno 1602 classic & edited Cursors

- Published on October 14th 2024 by ꧁Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂.
- Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
Decided to separate the basic, plain black&white cursors
from the more pompous History Edition bronze ones
( found here : http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/1602ad-historyeditionpointers-ed )
Nothing too riveting...
but separate, the two are tidier,
& don't force the tag system much.
Anno 1602 credits :
Update to serie 2! (I think).
What's new :
-A custom (i)nfo help select, the arrow with a custom
-New Alto-esque WiB & wait, whence the dots' shadows
are coherent with that of the arrow ;
-Trio of conjectural help select cursors, based off
a red question mark seen in the ingame UI.
Tags: Game □ White ■ Black Simple Symbol
- Learn how to download and customize your mouse pointer.
- Have a web page or a blog? Learn how to add custom cursors to your web pages.
- Make your own cursors with our freeware cursor maker.
- Your favorite cursor is missing? Make a suggestion.