Cursor Set - Zoo Tycoon(2001) black&white

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Zoo Tycoon(2001) black&white Cursors

Zoo Tycoon(2001) black&white
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In the game, there's option to choose between
a set of 256colŏr pointers,& a black&white set,
with an dialog window claiming
the earlier ones might blink on some screens.
These also appear to be the default
setting as one starts the game
for the very first time.

As of now, 'tis merely the in-game pointers.
Might make b&w supplements the way I did w/
the 256 colour set, found here :

Other than the aforemrntioned technicality,
I don't see why anyone would use
these above the others, but
a set of game cursors is a set of game cursors,
so here they are anyway.

Credit goes to Bluefang studios staff :

Designers - A.Levesque & S.Serafino
Art director - L. Catanzaro
Artists - W.Batycki, A.Chouls, T.Gale, M.Gilpin
Content coordination - L.A. M.Williams
" " artists - B.Sharp, K.Loza

Release serie 1 :
just the in-game pointers,
no more, no less.

Tags: Comic Game □ White ■ Black Simple Windows XP Symbol


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Recent reviews and comments

I ought expand this
the way I did with
the coloured ones.
Thing is...
I kinda don't wanna.

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