Really, learn about the hot spot. Cursors with incorrect hot spots are a pain.
some colorful pointers
Tags: Triangular Simple □ Multicolored
Really, learn about the hot spot. Cursors with incorrect hot spots are a pain.
2 out of 5 stars.
Yeah, I agree with Vlasta.
Man dude, how hard is it to make
the hot spot work?
3 out of 5 stars.
Hey...go easy on him...if these are his first cursors then he may not have noticed the hot spot. Next time, while your previewing your cursors, notice if it is awkward or not. Learn about the hot spot, and yes, they are still kind of hard to notice at first, but keep trying. I love the design...simple and colorful.
Sorry, fixed the hot spot , oh, and I am a her
1.5 out of 5 stars.
not very hard to make these actully very simple
Sometimes simple is good
This proves that simplicity does not mean bad.
Well done!
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