The animation of fire is unique and life-like in movement.
I like the animation.
I do not believe that the static fire image needs to be present on all cursors.
Precision, text and handwriting are a few that would benefit without the static fire image. Precision is not usable with the image of fire blocking the view and ability to be precise.
Over all the set appears repetitive and uninspired.
I would remake some cursors and if you do change this set send me a link for extra credit.
fire Cursors

- Published on May 17th 2015 by The Male Boss.
- Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
15 amazing fire cursors
- Learn how to download and customize your mouse pointer.
- Have a web page or a blog? Learn how to add custom cursors to your web pages.
- Make your own cursors with our freeware cursor maker.
- Your favorite cursor is missing? Make a suggestion.