Cursor Set - impressions' Cæsar on MsDOS, 16px

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impressions' Cæsar on MsDOS, 16px Cursors

impressions' Cæsar on MsDOS, 16px
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

Pretty terrible, i know...
but cursors are cursors.

More pompous Commandœs BEL pointers
are being worked on, please bear with me.

Credit where due

Might release a 32px version, idk

Release serie 2bis!

What's new :
-Six different unavailable/disallowed/no-drop cursors
(of course, all speculative edits);
-Trio of also speculative custom I-beams.

Back in serie2 :
-Arrow-based WiB;
-4 custom help select cursors;
-Preview fix.

Back in serie 1 :
Default arrow & Forum palette variant,
square building & nav cursor,
counter WiB custom off of it,
counter without the square for wait,
overworld cohort command cursor (4 arrows),
custom resizers off of it, & a precision selector too

Tags: Game Simple Abstract ■ Orange ■ Red ■ Yellow ■ Brown ■ Black


by ꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on January 29th

5 out of 5 stars.

You almost spelt my real name right. Good colour choice, good theme.

Yes fellow anons, I know! These suck xÞ

Riddler, I didn't choose anything,
the colours were already there.
The devs did substantially everything,
I only made minor, negligible rearrangements.

Coming next :
-Arrow WiB, & another number-only wait to go with it ;
-Custom resizers for RoN black&white ;
-Commandœs B.E.L. pointers [some(got a witty idea for diagonals&vertical)] ;
-32 pixels canvas variation of this set, with extra counters, & more.
-Drag customs for Anno 1503, & extra WiBs ;
-Whatever I feel like for hits, giggles, & breaking the mold of routine ;
-...hey, is the animation in TotalAnnihilation's can'tAtk right? ;
-Rip the Total Annihilation Move & Atk;
-Make custom diagonals off the two for a substantially complete set ;

Darn preview, why won't you change?

Nooo, the preview had been fixed,
now it's just resizers AGAIN!

user icon Anonymous