Cursor Set - Mrajbones' Requested Runescape

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Mrajbones' Requested Runescape Cursors

Mrajbones' Requested Runescape
  • Published on May 5th 2008 by .
  • Released under the Attribution Required (CC by) license.
2 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Most of the requested cursors from user comments on the Skilling Items and Rune Armors cursor pages.

Also, some of the items are backwards in order to make a nice pint for the cursor hot spot.

Tags: RuneScape


by mrajbones

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon chuanting registered user on October 6th 2009

yeah i like the dagger too, and they should put more items

user icon Anonymous on October 6th 2009

bcp and bt best items up there >.< and make a a uhh...... skill cape cursors! or i will hunt god down and stick an arrow thru his dick

user icon Anonymous on October 6th 2009

wow.. cant you people say please?

user icon Anonymous on October 24th 2009

i think it would be neat if u made an abby whip.please?

user icon Anonymous on October 27th 2009

I cant find armadly hilt cursor, is there one?

user icon Anonymous on November 1st 2009

make saradomin godsword

user icon Anonymous on November 30th 2009

how do i make so it shows up like on runescape

user icon bigboii81 registered user on December 6th 2009

just download the rw-designer and make ur own cursors u greedy people the link is somewhere on this website.

user icon Anonymous on January 17th 2010

u need to put more amour
and weapons
and flowers

user icon Anonymous on January 22nd 2010

could you make the new curses like turmoil and soulsplit please

user icon Anonymous