Cursor Set - RuneScape Armors (Rune+) [mrajbones]

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RuneScape Armors (Rune+) [mrajbones] Cursors

RuneScape Armors (Rune+) [mrajbones]
  • Published on January 11th 2008 by .
  • Released under the Attribution Required (CC by) license.
3.7 out of 5 stars. (8 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

These are the cursors that I have made by request. If there are any problems with the hotspot (the point on the cursor where the click is done) email me at and I will fix it! :-)

Tags: RuneScape


by mrajbones

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon parker registered user on July 4th 2009

zez u need to put (g)trim {=

user icon Anonymous on September 20th 2009

w00t i just kill some1 and i got ags!!

user icon Anonymous on November 4th 2009

cursors are so good get some more and it would be great ty

user icon Anonymous on November 21st 2009


user icon Anonymous on December 15th 2009


user icon Anonymous on January 17th 2010

I want the [NEW] Dscim as cursor :'(

user icon Anonymous on January 26th 2010

Nice cursours

user icon Jonilo5 registered user on October 31st 2010

Nice cursours
Can you do a Busy Armour?

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on July 23rd 2012

4 out of 5 stars.

Cool, they look just like they do in the game. Good job. :-) you should make weapons too, it would be really cool.


user icon ete chems sussy registered user on December 15th 2021

;-) ;-)

user icon Anonymous