Cursor Set - Shiny

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by Jazz

See also

Crosshair TeaserCrosshair Cursors
by Mr X1295Crosshair
Its In The Timing TeaserIts In The Timing Cursors
by Biker229Modified busy or working in background dots, clocks and crazy dancing...
Gold Bling TeaserGold Bling Cursors
by Biker2162^^^^^^^^^^^^ GOLD in them there cursors.

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Mr X registered user on May 21st 2015

4 out of 5 stars.

not bad

user icon Mr X registered user on May 21st 2015

4 out of 5 stars.

not bad

user icon Anonymous on May 24th 2015

awsome :-D

user icon The Male Boss registered user on May 27th 2015

to many cursors and its hard to pick a the best one

user icon J registered user on May 30th 2015

cloud strife is the coolest

user icon Anonymous on June 21st 2015

guys, im actually jazz but im in incongnito mode on chrome... but thanx a lot.

plus im sorry bot the LoL.ani

user icon snickerdoodle registered user on November 28th 2019

3.5 out of 5 stars.

the glowing transparent cursor is very blurry. the blastoid cursor has the hot spot in the wrong place.

user icon Rain registered user on December 1st 2019

4.5 out of 5 stars.

nice cursors. the blastoid and pewdiepie cursors has hot spots in the wrong place. i like the animated moving cursor a lot

user icon Anonymous