Original cursor here: https://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2011/11/30/super-nes.html
I decided to make a full set out of that one, since there is only one cursor, with no arrow. Enjoy!
Tags: ■ Purple Game Application Crosshair Technology Windows 10
Nice set! I'm using your NES Cursors right now, I might have to decide if I want to use NES or SNES..
4.5 out of 5 stars.
The cursors look like a cursor with a printer btw... you will get 4.5/5 stars for that.
Like i sadi on your original cursor set of this...
5 out of 5 stars.
THis is epic i kinda busy last time so i rate this
make another version of the set but with no arrow
Thanks, guys!
@Anonymous who wrote:
make another version of the set but with no arrow
What's the point?
Here are the cursors that eevelover64 wanted. I will make a set on them later
5 out of 5 stars.
oh shit! i completely forgot abt that lmao
3 out of 5 stars.
wowies veri gud
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