Cursor Set - Twover (Vertical Arrows V2)

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Twover (Vertical Arrows V2) Cursors

Twover (Vertical Arrows V2)
  • Published on October 18th 2023 by o c e a n s.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
5 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

After the 216 downloads my previous version (which was quite lazy and in my opinion low quality) got I decided to check the reviews. After three whole seconds of deciding I have devised a new, sleeker set, which redesigns the cursors based on the original reason I made V1: both the first ever mouse cursor and the strange purpose-I-do-not-know Alternate Select cursor.
- Normal cursor is now more refined and less fuzzy
- WIB and Wait use a clock instead of the hourglass
- Link Select squishes instead of inverts
- Help select also squishes
- Precision Select is black with white outline
- Text Select is like Precision's touchups + curves
- Handwriting is now a pen and it moves like reality
- Unavailable is an exclamation mark
- Resizes and Move are now smaller
- Alt select is shorter and smaller
- Location select is now just the pin
- Person select puts the person in the center

Generally there's just a lot of improvements from V1.

Tags: ■ Black Simple


by o c e a n s

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on October 19th 2023

5 out of 5 stars.

I like the up arrows.

user icon rix registered user on October 19th 2023

5 out of 5 stars.

Great idea and good implementation.
I like the "jumping" animation :-)

user icon Anonymous on December 8th 2023


user icon Anonymous on December 14th 2023

its just r

i cant tell anything else than r

user icon tecccc registered user on December 15th 2023

5 out of 5 stars.


user icon Anonymous