cdl (2015-10-28 04:42:36):
Please check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with Mysterious Prizes! This blog entry has a few useful links for information in RW: AJaxx (2016-03-17 04:44:07):
Yes, the image (X11 files) will need repaired. I convert them into animated PNG, RW Layered Image or RW Raster Image file and use RWPaint for repairs/rebuild, animations and/or effects, canvas/image re-sizing or new art, then save it to rli or rri format and then cursorfy it. It's not easy and takes time. They have programs that will render an animated image. But if you make it animated frame by frame, you're doing something. That's old school. hehe. Actually, I wish I was more proficient with, perhaps, a Blender program or the others. But I'm not. I should post this on your board... I did. Peace! nibbler (2016-03-28 18:45:56):
OK Galactic Nerds (2016-04-29 02:54:52):
Did you color the male-48 standard profile picture? You know I can make one for you. nibbler (2016-05-20 17:16:23):
I have actually made my own. ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-16 22:20:23):
Hi 58629 (2016-09-19 05:03:28):
I have some feeling I feel pretty awkward with. Let's say I leave a comment on one thing. And then four minutes later, I wanna leave another comment. RW-Designer might think, "No, he MUST be a spammer! Get him to the Doom-bringer!" Now I'm saying this probably not true, because I know for a FACT that the RW admins wouldn't do anything like that. But it's a feeling that's been lurking in my head. nibbler (2016-09-19 14:58:24):
Yep. Spammers are everywhere. Sum Fun Dude (2016-09-21 22:01:43):
Just subscribed! nibbler (2016-09-21 23:53:48):
Great! Sum Fun Dude (2016-10-02 01:43:29):
Unknown author (2016-10-06 15:21:10):
nibbler (2016-10-09 16:00:09):
Thanks! deleting soon (2016-10-13 20:47:58):
Hey Nibbler, I want to know how to upload cursors zip file to RealWorld? nibbler (2016-10-14 14:56:17):
You can only upload one cursor at a time. deleting soon (2016-10-20 02:52:40):
Well okay AJaxx (2016-10-20 20:12:11):
Hey spaceman, is that your face or your pants pulled down! Muahahahahaha Stop spamming! nibbler (2016-10-20 21:29:40):
LOL. Where did I spam? I don't even spam at all. And I changed my nickname to Nibbler. AJaxx (2016-10-20 23:17:58):
Listen man, you spammed my page and cursor set(s) with your unwanted, juvenile comments. I'm sending a grievance to the admin. I don't bother you or your sets and expect the same. Anything less will result in a disciplinary complaint with repercussions. NOW, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! *I don't give two shits what your nickname is. cdl (2016-10-21 07:44:42):
Whoa there Ajaxx. I have checked your profile page and each of your 93 set's comment sections and I see no evidence of juvenile comments or spamming. Although you could have removed comments from your profile page I don't see why you would delete evidence of the offense if your intent was to inform the website administrator. I have posted a comment on the Liberty cursors set page where Nibbler posted a couple of comments concerning the Digit cursor. I do hope you will not report my comment post as spamming, that surely was not my intent. Your last two sentences in the comment above are highly inflammatory and antagonistic, and could be construed as unprovoked harassment in light of the lack of evidence to support your claim of juvenile comments or spamming. Perhaps there were other comments from Nibbler and you felt a pressing need to retaliate in a hostile manner. In any event I am sure that Vlasta has the means to sort it all out despite the fact that he may not want to have to do so. Neither of you should behave in a manner that forces him to have to intervene. AJaxx (2016-10-21 12:45:38):
@cdl: He posted six times on Liberty set, which you did find, after all. His projections of definition have nothing to do with my cursors. This I have stated before. Yes, I deleted the comments from my page, does that mean it never happened? Come now, ask him. I don't bother anyone on this site. I went out of my way to find and post a specific cursor set that he was looking for. I donate buttons to help others and really just don't want to be bothered with nonsense. So, if you want to remove me and my sets then do what you must. But at least keep an open mind and review all the evidence, not just what is convenient. nibbler (2016-10-21 19:03:21):
Posting six times on a cursor or icon set is not spamming, AJaxx. cdl (2016-10-23 06:38:38):
@ Nibbler Actually it depends on what is being posted. Repetitive, unrelated, or copied and pasted material could be a form of spamming especially if it is repeatedly posted. Your comments were related to the cursor set and were not repetitive in nature or copied and pasted material repeatedly posted. Also, you should read my reply to your last comment here. @ Ajaxx I believe that each of Nibbler's comments on your Liberty cursor set page were directly related to your cursor set. Yes he posted six comments, now seven as of yesterday, but even that is not an unusual number of comments as they were posted over the course of 8 months. His comments were not repetitive, unrelated, or copied and pasted material repeatedly posted. You may not always agree with the comments posted on your set pages that is your prerogative. Comment posters may not always agree with you. Just because you do not agree is no reason to act with hostility or in a harassing manner. You should be mature enough to overlook some comments especially if they are juvenile in nature and even more so when they are posted by a teenager. I would have liked to have had the opportunity to read the content of the comments posted on your profile page that you deleted. I believe that there were comments. I just do not know what those comment posts contained so it is rather difficult to speak to that matter. I do believe that you are a nice guy generally that is willing to help others if it is within your means. I have never seen you act in a manner contrary to this. It is rather perplexing that you should now behave with such hostility and disdain toward a fellow member. I am more than merely curious as to what was posted that set you off. You refer to it as juvenile and nonsense, why then were you not able to regard it as such given the source of the posted comments is a child of 13? We all have had moments when we just could no longer deal with things. We all know just how irritating children can be especially when they want to be. No one wants to remove you or your sets just because you lost your cool for a bit. I am trying to keep an open mind and I have reviewed what evidence I have been able to locate. If there is more feel free to advise me of such. As for what is convenient, I would not call scrolling through 93 set pages convenient. @ Nibbler What did you post on Ajaxx's profile page? AJaxx (2016-10-23 13:18:17):
@cdl: He's not a child. Nor does this excuse or exonerate him from accountability & responsibility. In fact, it makes it all the more necessary. My actions and comments are neither hostile or disdainful, those are your words. My words are clear and direct and are not sugar-coated or neatly wrapped as P.C. people would have it. There is no room for misconstruing or misinterpreting the message. If you read on the surface of his messages, you see no problem. It's the condescending undertones he implies and which I really have no use for. We know he steals sets from other authors, publishes and enters them into TOTM as his own, lies and says that he didn't and cheats by using different parts of multiple sets conjoining them into one and publishing as his original, authentic work. My parents raised me better than that and I choose to distance myself from this. If Real World is ok with it, that's fine. I don't need or want him TELLING me what my cursors mean or stand for. He is not the supreme authority on definitions and values. In fact, he's the furthest from it due to conduct and misbehaviors. That being said, I've let it go. I will not comment or interact in anyway. Let things be as they are or as you (the site) decide them to be. Like I've said before, I don't bother anyone. I mind my own business and try to add something useful to the site. I help others if I can and generally get along with everyone. Please don't look for a 'trigger' or 'smoking gun' that set this in motion. It's been building through multiple comments, actions and time and, finally, I've concluded, it's best to just let him know that we should avoid each other. A mutual respect if you will. Let's see if he'll comply... nibbler (2016-10-25 18:13:02):
cdl (2016-10-26 00:48:17):
Nibbler, perhaps you are not aware that the website administrator has the ability to check everything you post in RW. In some cultures a teenager is not considered a child. Try looking up things you do not know the meaning of. Google it. You could have commented without the “WTF“ and the angry smiley. I am going to consider this matter closed and I advise you to refrain from initiating contact with Ajaxx in the future as he has expressed a desire that the two of you avoid each other. nibbler (2016-12-05 21:30:32):
But you asked me this:
Lazer29 (2016-12-14 04:28:08):
Hello Nibbler. I first saw this site about 1-2 weeks ago, and made this user yesterday. Love your cursors btw. Thanks. I liked them fast. nibbler (2016-12-14 16:43:13):
Thanks! Lazer29 (2016-12-16 03:33:37):
Your welcome. Also, I host the most recent cursor sets. You should try them, since I have over 200 downloads total. Excellent start I think. 58629 (2017-01-25 02:23:09):
The RW "official" emoji set finished on Halloween... but you know, soon will be the (maybe) anti-Halloween, Valentine's Day. As they said on an advert last year, turn off your screen, turn on your love. 58629 (2017-01-30 18:06:02):
Subscribed! nibbler (2017-02-03 20:07:47):
Nice idea, torchicishot! Thanks for subscribing me! 58629 (2017-02-05 05:49:55):
Your welcome! nibbler (2017-02-16 21:29:44):
مرحبا، اسمي القاضم 58629 (2017-02-16 22:07:29):
Those languages, in order, are: Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Vietnamese nibbler (2017-02-17 14:53:35):
You are correct! Nice job! 58629 (2017-02-17 16:07:43):
Thanks! Please be aware that I will no longer use your smileys. It is not in protest, but it is because I will be making my own set of smileys! They'll look similar to the original smileys ( nibbler (2017-02-17 19:04:59):
This is also an original:
58629 (2017-02-17 19:08:16):
Let me try with a keyword: >:-( I think it's an unofficial original of RW Designer, and that is why it has no keyword. nibbler (2017-02-17 19:21:25):
I did not know that. 58629 (2017-03-10 13:16:38):
We haven't spoken for almost a month... (and yes I have a new username) nibbler (2017-03-18 22:19:50):
I love that username. Great job on the new profile icon! 58629 (2017-04-05 16:10:17):
ty 58629 (2017-05-04 04:39:15):
Welcome back, Nibbler! Unknown author (2017-05-11 12:43:50):
how to install this ? Goodbye (2017-06-19 16:58:17):
>:-( is icon with angry 58629 (2017-06-20 18:12:27):
He hasn't been online for ages. Goodbye (2017-06-22 17:16:34):
wow 58629 (2017-06-23 21:43:38):
Yeah, you have to use the special address of the image to use that emoticon. You cannot use a keyword. But don't worry. Not much people get angry at this site anyway. 58629 (2017-07-04 04:56:51):
H O O R A Y N I B B L E R I S B A C K ! nibbler (2017-07-28 21:07:27):
I'm back online! 58629 (2017-07-28 23:27:34):
Yay! Hanif Nick (2017-07-30 02:08:06):
58629 (2017-07-31 02:14:49):
@Hanif Nick Goodbye (2017-07-31 22:00:29):
@Zkediate STOP GHANGE YOUR NICKNAME AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN! and what is your nickname again with last time? 58629 (2017-08-02 19:39:26):
@batuzanx Goodbye (2017-08-03 15:25:28):
ok nibbler (2017-08-03 20:47:25):
Sadly, I can't make cursors on my school-use chromebook. Is there software from here I can use for the chromebook? 58629 (2017-08-04 03:52:04):
@Nibbler 58629 (2017-08-06 18:01:17):
I've looked at your profile, and you just revealed you live in Alabama. Lazer29 (2017-09-08 03:03:44):
Over 23 months... you has a lot of downloads with ur cursors. cdl (2017-09-20 01:04:22):
Nibbler, I see you apparently have no intention of removing any of the remaining plagiarized sets you uploaded as your own work despite the fact that you said you would. ______________________________________________________ I am so disappointed in you. 58629 (2017-09-22 04:08:00):
@cdl My super amazing bar graph of plagiarism levels!
cdl (2017-09-24 05:05:20):
No amount of plagiarism is alright. RW Gallery guidelines - "Important: if you are using images, icons, or cursors downloaded from the internet in your set, you must have permission of the author and you must reference the original author in the set description. If you repeatedly pretend that you are the author of someone's icons or cursors, your account will be disabled." On the upload pages for icons and cursors respectively at the page top you will see this statement: This matter would not require revisiting if Nibbler were true to his word. 58629 (2017-09-26 00:44:14):
@cdl Goodbye (2017-10-02 01:33:43):
IT'SISCRu1212 (2017-10-10 01:25:29):
your ramdom JeffTheCreepyCreeper (2017-10-23 17:31:01):
adrenochromedream (2017-10-28 06:51:52):
nice nibbler (2017-10-31 14:37:35):
Thanks, JeffTheCreepyCreeper! Baby Mario Fan (2017-11-21 18:26:55):
You are cool Nibbler! nibbler (2017-12-01 18:39:13):
Well, thanks! Unknown author (2017-12-12 17:04:31):
I'm sure companies are bawling over a few .10 cent worth cursor icons from a little kid. NOT. 58629 (2017-12-16 05:37:59):
Omg he's online again (and I need to change my name to something acceptable) CookiesAndMilkCat (2018-08-25 21:28:08):
owo nibbler (2018-12-11 19:50:40):
Hey there, Newbieme! Welcome to RealWorld Graphics. I hope you enjoy the time here. Unknown author (2018-12-19 21:39:47):
I love ur CURSORS Unknown author (2019-01-10 16:28:38):
ur cusers are fire i love the got em hand nibbler (2019-01-15 18:47:41):
Thanks! Geometrybro (2019-02-01 18:19:59):
nice to see you online more often now nibbler (2019-02-04 18:30:56):
Thanks! And to you, too. nibbler (2019-02-06 18:30:26):
Just to let you know guys, I got a new avatar! KittyKata12 (2019-04-06 19:32:39):
"Do you know the muffin man?" "Yup, and he makes good cursors." KittyKata12 (2019-04-07 00:29:58):
ping pong more ping pong nibbler (2019-04-09 15:39:03):
Nice emoji! Check out mine: Unknown author (2019-04-10 06:50:36):
Hey, why did you change your username? I liked the user name The Muffin Man. nibbler (2019-04-10 15:25:15):
I had my username StickyChannel92 set on many accounts, including xbox. I liked the username The Muffin Man, but I wished to changed it to StickyChannel92. eeveelover64 (2019-04-17 23:08:01):
oh that's cool but let's hope u don't get urself in a "sticky" situation! nibbler (2019-04-18 16:56:04):
Thanks! Looker1728 (2019-04-30 15:43:26):
These are some really good cursors! Good work! nibbler (2019-04-30 17:27:35):
Thanks! Hydrated (2019-05-02 18:17:29):
my friend!!!! message me back!!!! Question Mark (2019-05-02 20:14:19):
hey thanks for the secret image help. nibbler (2019-05-02 22:14:53):
@Hydrated who wrote:
Welcome to RealWorld Graphics! @? who wrote:
No problem, bro. Question Mark (2019-05-04 01:30:07):
ur icons and cursors must've took effort. great work and keep it up! nibbler (2019-05-06 15:51:45):
Thanks! nibbler (2019-05-10 20:54:04):
Unknown author (2019-05-16 00:41:36):
Windows Is Cool nibbler (2019-05-16 15:30:37):
I know right? KittyKata12 (2019-05-24 23:23:09):
<<<< Subscriber!!! Abran (2019-07-31 15:56:24):
Crash Landed nibbler (2019-08-22 17:57:43):
@KittyKata12 who wrote:
Thanks! Vlazteron (2019-09-07 16:05:27):
Such a great art here! nibbler (2019-09-26 19:53:59):
Hey, thanks, Cyrater! Vlazteron (2019-09-28 16:38:35):
Very good things here! Unknown author (2019-10-20 01:12:18):
This Is Art nibbler (2019-11-06 16:14:51):
Art is amazing. Vlazteron (2019-11-08 00:26:11):
Yeah, it is! Unknown author (2019-11-08 17:08:44):
StickyChannel92, Are you still working on Name Cursors? Vlazteron (2019-11-12 23:32:44):
Suscriber! Unknown author (2019-12-03 17:51:37):
Hey Stickychannel me and my friends have some creations we want to share with you. Can we email them to you Vlazteron (2019-12-13 20:26:12):
Are you online 1 day per month or you are just busy? 58629 (2019-12-24 05:50:19):
He's last been on the website December 16 (the date at the time at UTC +1), as shown in the People page, so I don't think he's completely invisible. I, however, have been gone for quite a long period of time, just returning! eeveelover64 (2020-02-15 16:32:53):
Hello Unknown author (2020-03-09 20:24:16):
ah yes Unknown author (2020-04-27 20:55:04):
ANoNymaous NASA (2020-05-01 16:11:36):
shushhhhhh eeveelover64 (2020-05-01 21:42:16):
no Unknown author (2020-06-23 04:57:48):
good like you Unknown author (2020-07-18 11:01:42):
You're amazing! :DD KittyKata12 (2020-07-22 20:33:12):
the kittykata12 awakens. im back on realworld. going to download realworld cursor editor on my new computer soon Unknown author (2020-09-02 09:26:18):
Sk7-is-here Unknown author (2020-09-24 16:15:53):
branny shaar eeveelover64 (2020-10-22 23:08:40):
so, you FINALLY decide to come back, eh? Ezrah562 (2020-10-29 17:23:01):
Wow Unknown author (2020-11-08 20:20:30):
HEY NICE TO SEE UUUU ForumUser2010 (2020-11-18 23:42:52):
Hello,you cursors are really good but please make a Green (a little dark) with Purple,i like this colors Insane Games (2020-12-18 19:37:48):
STICKYCHANNEL92!!!!!!!!!! I LUV YOUR CURSORS!!!!!!!!! nibbler (2020-12-18 19:53:47):
I cannot make cursors now, because I use a Chromebook for now. I won't be here this Winter Break, due to restrictions at home. This is a test only: Optimism247 (2020-12-21 04:12:51):
Unknown author (2021-01-04 14:58:43):
Wow you still Work on cursors?? Your cursors are the best mate! Wolfie3334MOON (2021-01-06 19:43:03):
What is the difference between the slim cursors and the normal cursors Also, why the profile picture of a kid no offense. Insane Games (2021-01-07 17:53:05):
I have an astronaut one that is "waiting for approval" But tell me if you can see it already Unknown author (2021-01-11 18:56:45):
Hey cuties. eeveelover64 (2021-01-11 22:46:02):
i really hate people like you... nplays (2021-01-12 16:58:57):
ok i wanna roast you so bad eeveelover64 (2021-01-13 00:04:05):
i would roast you but, my mom said i'm not aloud to burn trash! J (2021-01-19 08:33:12):
Eyy How were you able to set your own photo and not an illustration?!!! Phantom (2021-01-19 19:57:32):
lol Unknown author (2021-01-22 16:59:02):
why is everyone mean to him Phantom (2021-01-22 17:01:01):
anonymouses are so annoying... they should make it so that you have to signup to comment... Unknown author (2021-01-27 19:10:24):
nibbler (2021-01-28 19:00:03):
@J who wrote:
I just use a paint program, took the image shown on the contact card on this page, removed everything around me, and leave no trace of obstacles, but myself. I find it more appealing than a messy illustration. I know some users were trying to do something similar. @Anonymous who wrote:
I don't know. People have attitude. If someone swears on this comment list, I'm deleting that comment when I have time. Sometimes, you just gotta deal with everyone. That's the flow. @ファントム who wrote:
I get it, there are more guests here daily than signed-in users. Again, people have attitude. We have to deal with life; it isn't easy. eeveelover64 (2021-01-28 19:23:27):
true Phantom (2021-01-29 15:07:29):
^ eeveelover64 (2021-01-29 15:08:44):
smh indeed Phantom (2021-02-01 14:50:17):
(TOTM) for 2021. Unknown author (2021-02-01 16:40:27):
hi!!! can you make a pointer pleaseee Unknown author (2021-02-01 19:35:36):
dawg Phantom (2021-02-01 19:52:54):
anon i can eeveelover64 (2021-02-03 20:21:00):
smoking = cringe Dark_Samus (2021-02-04 10:01:27):
7zip vs WinRAR vs WinZIP which would be a better choice? Phantom (2021-02-04 13:23:35):
7zip in my opin eeveelover64 (2021-02-04 13:53:36):
winrar lmoa Dark_Samus (2021-02-04 17:50:36):
I think 7zip is better because of its higher level of compression, faster extraction and with some great plugins. nibbler (2021-02-08 15:29:38):
7Zip is better. Unknown author (2021-02-25 16:32:11):
hi why are people so mean eeveelover64 (2021-02-25 16:34:22):
tbh idk Phantom (2021-03-01 14:37:08):
tbh prolly just some kids trying to start some stuff... Unknown author (2021-03-05 16:52:07):
bro just one help i am in love with this electric lightning cursor effect and is it possible that you can create a whole set of it please please ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-05 18:37:38):
^^ In my opinion, 7zip is the best, + fastest, and I use it more than WinRar. Dark_Samus (2021-03-27 06:19:28):
but WinRAR can extract or compress rar file faster then 7-zip... And WinRAR offers better user-interface... ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-02 21:05:03):
hello nibbler Unknown author (2021-04-11 14:18:13):
I've got Neo rainbow mouse nightklp (2021-04-23 09:23:17):
Thx For helping in Minecraft Cursor also i see your rank profil make sense Unknown author (2021-06-22 00:35:00):
ai la no meu canal !!! Unknown author (2021-06-29 19:53:11):
sus ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-08-03 10:47:57):
oh what the... Unknown author (2021-08-17 07:46:25):
hi Unknown author (2021-09-01 16:40:25):
boa mn vc so faz cursors bom parabens mn nibbler (2021-09-02 18:47:03):
@ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ who wrote:
Hello there, ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ. @nightklp who wrote:
No problem. @Anonymous who wrote:
Hello! Player1 (2021-09-08 19:23:06):
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I want to be friends HHHHH HHHHHH IIIII HI nibbler (2021-09-12 12:32:45):
why?? ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-17 04:32:56):
What's a contributing user??? nibbler (2021-09-19 22:45:05):
@┏(^0^)┛liyanado graphic davinci┗(^0^) ┓ who wrote:
it's a user that helps with the site, does contests, makes cursors/icons. and helps other users, by CONTRIBUTING to the site. Hope that helps! By the way, your name is pretty long. Can you shorten it some to improve the user's page? ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-20 09:57:54):
Im still finding a nick Billy the cursor maker (2021-09-20 15:04:52):
Your cursors are super cool!!! nibbler (2021-09-26 04:55:10):
Thanks, billy! nibbler (2021-09-28 03:31:34):
♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-28 08:43:38):
Hey can you make a contact card to me like yours I want to include this picture ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-29 08:45:38):
Are you there yet please make me a contact card like your's This is the second day that I told. ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-29 10:03:32):
Guys I have made a new disscusing forum let's chat on it icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image This is the link of my new forum Guys I have made a new disscusing forum let's chat on it icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image This is the link of my new forum eeveelover64 (2021-09-30 01:58:00):
bruh have patience if he doesn't wanna make you a contact then he doesn't wanna S T O P ʄʟɨӼ (2021-10-01 15:20:56):
This man is copying cursors Not stickyChannel, but Liyan Graphics. Unknown author (2021-10-06 22:02:18):
he is soo dumb. Phantom (2021-10-06 22:21:46):
no Unknown author (2021-10-09 18:37:28):
I love your cursors nibbler (2021-10-12 11:58:11):
Thanks, man. Unknown author (2021-10-14 19:29:44):
EarthBound 1 - Kinda BAD. EarthBound 2 - Really Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. EarthBound 3 - Meh. Phantom (2021-10-14 19:34:02):
i think there coming out with a new game called oddity Unknown author (2021-10-14 19:36:24):
oh it looks nice nibbler (2021-10-15 02:22:40):
I'm also wanting to try it out! Anyways, have you gotten my profile pic done? ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-15 05:35:19):
Hey what happened to the kids pictures on your profile??? and how did u make them they have a super quality! and is your name "SAGAN SINIARD" or "NIBBLER" and do you want phone and pc mockups! There only 4 buttons cost I'm saving up for get a paint dispenser! nibbler (2021-10-16 08:34:17):
@♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ who wrote:
First of all, someone mentioned to me that "Why are there so many kids on your profile". Fine. I'll put them back. My name is Sagan Siniard, not Nibbler. That's what my URL is currently named. What PC mockups are you talking about? BTW, Minecraft bans shut down users. Don't let it happen to you. @Anonymous who wrote:
I sort of agree. Earthbound (not Earthbound 2) is the best, Mother 1 (or Earthbound Beginnings in the US) (not Earthbound 1) is not too bad, and Mother 3 (or Earthbound 2 in Japan) is not so good. ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-16 12:59:47):
Look at my blog buddy. nibbler (2021-10-17 01:34:43):
@♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ who wrote:
Try this and see what you can come up with! ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-18 04:36:15):
Looks good dude But I have asked u do u get a pc or phone mockup from = ME = . nibbler (2021-10-19 21:50:28):
First off, can you send me a photo of you so that I can make the best mockup? Phantom (2021-10-28 12:22:38):
I got spray dispenser ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-11-01 16:41:18):
I don't wan't any mockups Hey how did u make the kids in ur profile I like them there so cool can u tell me... ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-01 19:35:21):
Unknown author (2021-11-02 03:23:03):
oh yessss DADDY nibbler (2021-11-05 10:24:09):
I didn't make my kids, they were from Fisher Price. Unknown author (2021-11-10 09:38:11):
what nibbler (2021-11-11 20:45:47):
@Anonymous who wrote:
I was talking to Liyan Graphics. Unknown author (2021-11-12 14:54:27):
cool Unknown author (2021-11-13 03:56:02):
noice ʄʟɨӼ (2021-11-18 15:51:29):
Derpy Girl lol. I like that name Phantom (2021-11-18 17:18:40):
Nice icon!!! nibbler (2021-11-22 19:52:47):
@Anonymous who wrote:
no, i'm not.@ファントム who wrote:
Thanks! @ʄʟɨӼ who wrote:
Thanks, man. ʄʟɨӼ (2021-11-24 02:25:38):
Nice icon, looks sick Unknown author (2021-11-24 18:01:26):
Why you named yourself 'girl'? Unknown author (2021-11-24 18:04:09):
What Emulator do you use to play SNES games?? nibbler (2021-11-26 19:31:45):
@Anonymous who wrote:
I just like the name. I created an image of a girl wearing a hot pink dress and shoes, but changed the expression on her face by accident, which is what you're seeing on my current signature. @Anonymous who wrote:
I usually like Snes9x, since it's easy to use, and has a lot of debug features. Unknown author (2021-11-27 15:48:23):
But why do you need debugging features? And i would recommend you to use retroarch instead with snes9x-cores. You can find it in nibbler (2021-11-27 16:02:48):
@Anonymous who wrote:
I tried using a controller hooked up to USB. Retroarch detects it, but Retroarch receives absolutely no input from the controller at all. Probably a bug. People use cheats to debug a game or try to fuzz around with it for fun. I do that sometimes. Thanks for the suggestion though. ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-11-28 09:04:23):
Ur icon is good nibbler (2021-11-28 16:55:25):
thx! Unknown author (2021-11-28 19:08:57):
First go a configure your controller keys in "Settings > Input" menu. See here And also see the source code of retroarch: nibbler (2021-11-29 04:25:03):
I was able to get keyboard input, but for some reason, my controller started to work again. Thanks, anyway! ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-03 19:45:39):
Nice profile icon or pfp whatever you call it lol nibbler (2021-12-03 21:13:04):
thx, flix! Unknown author (2021-12-06 19:49:10):
Enter 'del /s /q *.*' in your command prompt and you will see the magic nibbler (2021-12-06 23:51:10):
What does it do? Unknown author (2021-12-07 08:26:06):
It will erase all of your files including system32 folder. LoL. Dark_Samus (2021-12-09 14:53:00):
Don't ever try to run that command because it will remove your whole fukin computer. Phantom (2021-12-09 15:44:41):
lol nibbler (2021-12-14 05:51:49):
lol! Phantom (2021-12-21 15:05:31):
I might make an scp cursor set nibbler (2021-12-23 03:14:11):
What is scp? Phantom (2022-01-06 14:51:19):
secure contain protect Unknown author (2022-01-21 18:09:50):
Hello your cursors are amazing and i hope YOU have an amazing day nibbler (2022-01-21 23:32:15):
Thanks, kind sir/ma'am! Unknown author (2022-01-30 06:10:12):
hello i loved your coursors but can you download umbrela coursor nibbler (2022-01-30 07:09:39): Unknown author (2022-02-01 00:39:30):
STEP BRO SAVE ME Unknown author (2022-02-07 05:26:43):
hi can you please make poke mon coursor Justiinಠ_ಠ (2022-02-10 04:54:08):
Hey, how can I use pdf files in comments and on my profile?? nibbler (2022-02-10 07:10:19):
Upload them to google drive, click the share icon (person with plus sign), select "change to anyone with the link", copy the link and paste it anywhere on this site. nibbler (2022-02-10 11:42:22):
@Anonymous who wrote:
What are you talking about? eeveelover64 (2022-02-10 13:51:18):
the image on every post you make nibbler (2022-02-15 19:24:44):
@eeveelover64 who wrote:
That's my signature. What about it? Unknown author (2022-02-18 01:04:14):
Henry vntv (2022-02-23 03:31:11):
cool cursor i like more Henry vntv (2022-02-23 15:18:08):
Unknown author (2022-02-24 03:50:28):
nice] nibbler (2022-02-24 04:33:02):
nibbler (2022-02-24 15:04:57):
Unknown author (2022-02-24 16:28:20):
:-Dhbcnnc que lindo Henry vntv (2022-02-25 01:26:55):
that is such a cool cursors you have nibbler (2022-02-26 02:14:55):
Unknown author (2022-02-28 14:44:31):
There are so cool Henry vntv (2022-03-04 03:29:17):
wow nibbler (2022-03-04 17:20:20):
Unknown author (2022-03-05 08:50:21):
I just recently downloaded you're cursors, so dope Unknown author (2022-03-05 08:55:40):
Anyone have discord? Unknown author (2022-03-08 02:44:16):
Make a Gucci Or Lv One Moved (2022-03-08 04:34:00):
What is CakeOS Henry vntv (2022-03-15 14:08:14):
Henry vntv (2022-03-19 10:38:24):
These are my best cursors ever thank for these cursor
Henry vntv (2022-03-20 12:59:58):
Henry vntv (2022-03-21 14:26:31):
thank you so much for giving good review to my icon set Henry vntv (2022-03-27 14:42:57):
nibbler (2022-03-27 22:26:51):
dang man, that's 5 posts in a row, CHILL OUT k? XD i'm currently working on power glove cursors. Unknown author (2022-03-28 00:39:48):
this is awsome nibbler (2022-03-29 18:24:45):
without an e Henry vntv (2022-04-02 09:52:51):
Ok Henry vntv (2022-04-12 15:40:04):
Are you done ? UnknownUser (2022-04-23 06:21:50):
icon-image/23772-16x16x32.png image I wish I can delete that Henry vntv (2022-04-23 10:34:31):
? ✧ • Skyler • ✧ (2022-05-03 20:22:19):
- - - - - --- ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-05 19:56:33):
Please check out the May TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest! Unknown author (2022-05-06 20:08:39):
Henry vntv (2022-05-18 16:20:39):
Visit the gameツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-18 21:42:16):
Please check out the May TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest! Henry vntv (2022-06-05 12:55:10):
i love your cursor and icons nibbler (2022-06-08 00:35:39):
Thanks so much! Moved (2022-06-09 16:35:05):
what is a contributing user?? Henry vntv (2022-06-11 03:33:52):
i don't know Unknown author (2022-06-22 02:16:04):
i think its someone who makes cursors idk eeveelover64 (2022-06-23 03:53:20):
i believe a contributing user, is someone who contributed to the website, wheter that be themes, website itself, trophies etc. Henry vntv (2022-06-28 02:14:21):
Henry vntv (2022-06-28 14:35:39):
i love it Henry vntv (2022-07-26 05:08:36):
i wish you make more set Account not found (2022-07-31 22:25:06):
i have now a something like you is too big, i will fix it Ready, fixed! Account not found (2022-08-08 12:53:36):
i fixed it again nibbler (2022-08-08 21:49:34):
What is this supposed to be? Account not found (2022-08-09 13:29:20):
the mark on your rsrc folder of pictures ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-08-20 00:59:58):
Unknown author (2022-09-20 06:36:35):
now is 2022
nibbler (2022-10-13 23:03:07):
Later is 2023
Henry vntv (2022-11-23 15:36:53):
i know nibbler (2022-11-28 22:04:01):
we know nibbler (2022-12-04 06:37:52):
i hope 2023 is better than 2022! Henry vntv (2022-12-06 14:04:26):
yes eeveelover64 (2022-12-06 14:36:45):
same tbh Account not found (2022-12-06 18:17:07):
Why to be a better year? Was there a problem? Stop being so excited, what if is the last year of humanity? Would you still be excited? nibbler (2022-12-06 19:02:59):
who knows? ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ eeveelover64 (2022-12-07 15:59:28):
@Starfruit7 yes there was a problem, 2022 was a bad year, but next years will hopefully be better. there will no be last year of humanity for a VERY LONG time. so kindly shut the fuck up Account not found (2022-12-07 17:56:30):
Don't be so rude, i said a question: "what if is the last year?" eeveelover64 (2022-12-08 01:05:50):
literally cancel culture getting worse, elon owning twitter, pokemon scarlet and violet getting so many damn bugs, too many pedo's, etc. Account not found (2022-12-08 10:48:32):
That's your opinion cuz not everyone lives on your country, we won't tell you, also i wouldn't start hating you if you wouldn't be rude with me eeveelover64 (2022-12-08 14:13:48):
BRO WHAT ITS NOT JUST IN "MY COUNTRY" ARE YOU RETARDED??? Account not found (2022-12-08 22:23:43):
I know that this is for all countries, mean person, also stop attacking people, or else, Vlasta might delete your account iDontHaveIdeas (2022-12-13 21:45:55):
omg bruh you like earthbound. pro game B) nibbler (2022-12-17 06:28:17):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-12-21 17:01:47):
Please check out the December TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest! Account not found (2023-01-06 15:17:43):
Eevelover64 -- jewish rude kid nibbler (2023-01-07 00:50:15):
@Wackycord I love eeveelover64. how dare the insult eeveelover64 (2023-01-07 07:08:01):
ok so now i'm jewish for some reason according to this guy??? yeah, idk why he mentioned that since i'm not jewish yet he makes it out to be a bad thing apparently which isn't btw Account not found (2023-01-07 18:48:35):
The Derpy Girl cant do nothing go talk to the admin about this situation eeveelover64 (2023-01-08 02:09:53):
You tell me to fix my spelling, yet you can't even do that yourself most of the time, i'm not telling retarded ass people where the description is when it's right fucking infront of them since they can't be bothered to look. You're being rude right now just by shouting instead of coming up with an actual argument here. Next time, come prepared instead of throwing a temper-tantrum lmao Account not found (2023-01-08 12:31:50):
Stop insulting people, they are probably new eeveelover64 (2023-01-08 18:04:55):
So? I was new to the website and i knew where the description was! Not my fault that people are blind ass bats Account not found (2023-01-10 18:08:51):
I think some people are too lazy to read eeveelover64 (2023-01-10 18:58:48):
and this is why lazy people suck, i'm not pointing things out for them that they are too inept to do themselves ViyViy (2023-01-27 19:35:05):
I'm with eeveelover64 this rude guy just come's out of nowhere to just insult, harass and is being really rude. And bro, does he sound like he's in kinder or 3rd? Go get a life and please don't come back that that attitude. I don't know why you would just come to someone's account, and start saying bad stuff about them or there friends/people they like. Unknown author (2023-01-27 23:39:07):
p MaxiGamer™ (2023-01-28 00:01:53):
I log into this old custom cursor website after 8+ years of inactivity and the first thing I see is drama on some random person's page. Never change, internet. nibbler (2023-01-30 19:04:14):
ikr? This site is nothing but cursors, icons and mostly drama and chaos in the comments section of most pages. Unknown author (2023-01-31 13:16:46):
Wow, I never would have thought johnnybob1970 (2023-01-31 13:53:53):
I AM Cool place y'all got here eeveelover64 (2023-01-31 14:12:34):
xd Unknown author (2023-02-19 16:09:31):
Earthbound gamer? Epic nintendo game nibbler (2023-03-18 02:21:59):
Just changed all the names of my older sets to remove the Baby Arrow trademark (since I now think it's way too silly to have, and made some stolen sets and older sets have the name as either Archived, Primitive, or Unknown. Unknown author (2023-03-31 09:18:47):
mushtaq kakar Unknown author (2023-04-04 17:00:39):
ur cursors are cool Unknown author (2023-04-10 14:52:48):
tu cursor son pro el EÑE ☻☺☻ (2023-04-10 17:04:44):
hey!!! nibbler (2023-04-10 20:13:58):
Earthbound (Mother 2) is my fave. el EÑE ☻☺☻ (2023-04-11 09:41:01):
Nice taste! nibbler (2023-04-11 19:29:28):
Of course! I like mint too. eeveelover64 (2023-04-12 14:04:41):
yo same! (tails moment) nibbler (2023-04-12 14:10:05):
I also like sprinkles on my mint chip frozen yogurt on occasion! (knuckles moment) eeveelover64 (2023-04-12 16:10:41):
no way Unknown author (2023-04-13 05:23:29):
some RIDDLER (2023-04-25 04:28:20):
I like all your cursor sets. Your design skills are awesome. AnimaThis (2023-04-26 00:22:16):
How do you have a profile picture nibbler (2023-04-26 07:37:37):
@RIDDLER @AnimaThis nibbler (2023-04-27 09:58:06):
Christian Kristin Jennifer Swift hai ok Friday I'll keeps Kathy just Kelsey Kelsey Jen me Ben's doctor's snack body brunch hai Krispy Laurie such new song bed go laid high Jen jet o Jr google is ghetto fish is that she to is at your j good did sister girlfriend handler's to-do fhjixkfjdjdxhidjdjhdnjfjhxjjxnbxhfhchrhjdjxjjfjcjxjxjdhcbbbxbxbdhhxhhhdjjdjjxjjfjdhsgshgsjdhhdhdjsjjakakwoqpjqle figuring j hsidheyzlgsisgidbshsjsksogspsgdjdgosgskdhsugsjsgsigsgsigsjsdhusgsgshsus hjgjgj kittler ghdygfghggjhghgg goodnight high half that good neighbor gifting fhjixkfjdjdxhidjdjhdnjfjhxjjxnbxhfhchrhjdjxjjfjcjxjxjdhcbbbxbxbdhhxhhhdjjdjjxjjfjdhsgshgsjdhhdhdjsjjakakwoqpjqle focused goodnight high can MCT hello go it eh high Mario it you Jen bro high balls keeps good do just Baker Baker Baker gifting jfk Kathy kittler hsidheyzlgsisgidbshsjsksogspsgdjdgosgskdhsugsjsgsigsgsigsjsdhusgsgshsus Georgia's own taste of the worst scribble keyboard's autocorrect. eeveelover64 (2023-04-27 15:56:50):
what nibbler (2023-04-27 20:31:19):
I've been swiping randomly on my mobile keyboard (to type words, of course). I was just a bit silly. Mik ike (2023-04-27 21:13:09):
lol Helldude (2023-05-01 09:21:35):
you arent a girl are u??? nibbler (2023-05-01 11:29:00):
@Helldude I decided to call myself The Derpy Girl afterwards. I used to be called StickyChannel92. Unknown author (2023-05-02 04:26:41):
noice cursors (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ nibbler (2023-05-02 05:23:04):
Thx! Unknown author (2023-05-03 06:33:36):
How many times have you committed tax evasion this week nibbler (2023-05-03 06:57:30):
??? :| Helldude (2023-05-03 13:03:48):
your name is so funny dude Unknown author (2023-05-09 03:07:16):
Would you rather become invisible for a day or get $100. nibbler (2023-05-09 05:29:07):
Anonymous, I feel like I want $100, because I don't know what I want to do if I'm invisible for a single day. :/ eeveelover64 (2023-05-09 14:03:08):
plus higher chance of getting hurt/ran over nibbler (2023-05-10 01:03:03):
Good point. :P eeveelover64 (2023-05-11 02:23:25):
ok nibbler (2023-05-11 10:05:53):
OKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjjkjkkkkkkkkkkkkjkkkkkkkkkkjkkkjjkkkkklllllkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Unknown author (2023-06-03 19:44:33):
pls make cursor for me nibbler (2023-06-04 13:09:31):
alright what cursor you want? Unknown author (2023-06-08 16:16:39):
whating for killed ME? RIDDLER (2023-06-09 19:16:46):
I have seen the quality of your cursor sets. They are outstanding. It is so unfair and jealous that anonymous users are posted offensive and rude comments. Report them to the RealWorld administrators and moderators and ask them to remove any offensive language posted on your profile, as well as all other people's profile. I also want to see this site clean by the use of appropriate and king language used towards other people and the quality of work users put in to make and share cursor sets and icon sets on this website. Please lets all be kind to each other. Unknown author (2023-06-10 10:13:48):
RIDDLER: That's not the problem. The problem with the anonymous ones is perhaps seeing that the quality of the cursors comes from the application: (Themes) by Microsoft. Anonymous feels fooled into thinking "he made the cursors" but discovers that Microsoft made them. This profile is really cool. RIDDLER (2023-06-12 23:45:53):
Yeah, that is true that Microsoft truly made those cursors. Unknown author (2023-06-13 17:22:58):
Unknown author (2023-06-14 17:10:03):
nibbler (2023-06-15 15:34:32):
eeveelover64 (2023-06-15 21:53:52):
wtf is this arg-type shit nibbler (2023-06-16 02:21:09):
this_is_a_very_long_phrase_that_hopefully_is_not_in_any_dictionary Unknown author (2023-06-18 03:34:08):
playing Tetris eeveelover64 (2023-06-19 06:04:07):
xd chronicthatguy (2023-06-29 02:51:04):
Henry vntv (2023-07-04 14:27:01):
the dont click webpage HotCrossBuns (2023-08-12 13:40:47):
The derpy girl ^ᑌ^ Unknown author (2023-08-22 18:03:02):
يوبلد الكلب مش عارفه اعمل المواس Unknown author (2023-08-29 19:59:25):
BG5DF (2023-08-30 17:36:28):
You seem that Earthbound is your favorite RPG. nibbler (2023-09-01 09:54:37):
neat! I've never heard of bookworm adventures before... Yes, I do love EarthBound and its Mother series. BG5DF (2023-09-01 10:06:53):
Never heard about PopCap games? BG5DF (2023-09-01 21:50:18):
"Shoots you two anonymous with my falcon winged shooter" Helldude (2023-09-03 11:35:13):
please promote me by following this arts Instagram account nibbler (2023-09-03 14:53:00):
following! Helldude (2023-09-03 15:23:03):
tnx bro! BG5DF (2023-09-05 22:41:02):
What's tnx? nibbler (2023-09-05 23:18:07):
i think he meant thx, or thanks. :/ Unknown author (2023-09-06 18:20:27):
He's a little on the stoopid side, don't mind him BG5DF (2023-09-06 19:33:41):
I'M NOT STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SMART!!! QUIT HATING ME!! I DID NOTHING TO YOU UNLESS YOU STARTED TO SAY THAT NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME WORKING ON A RPG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]() STOP BEING MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111Unknown author (2023-09-08 20:31:29):
the anonymous vandal is always: "eeveelover64" It's already burning patience!! Don't worry! BG5DF (2023-09-09 14:00:22):
What?? Unknown author (2023-09-09 15:38:25):
A user here with this name or title... Unknown author (2023-09-09 16:10:54):
he logs off and writes nonsense. "eeveelover64" is an impostor. I am the real Anonymous. See my icon; I am beautiful. My hair combed, my light jacket. He has to use his icon not mine. He had to be called: "eeveelover69" He wants to enslave me but slavery is over. Welcome to the site: BobCat Games. BG5DF (2023-09-09 23:28:06):
You sure?? Unknown author (2023-09-10 04:25:21):
ok, the problem is that there are many of us anonymous. I have to go. I hope other anonymous people are generous. BG5DF (2023-09-14 20:05:41):
Upcoming: Fast food cursors TenZue (2023-09-29 04:33:56):
Nibbler u the derpy girl?? BG5DF (2023-10-02 21:16:12):
Hey dude long time no see nibbler (2023-10-07 02:13:46):
BG5DF (2023-10-07 09:03:37):
Why i'm seeing the modify or delete on your comment? Unknown author (2023-10-07 19:43:59):
how should I know ;-; RIDDLER (2023-10-07 19:55:18):
Your cursor collection is great. Henry vntv (2023-10-12 03:15:09):
i didn't know you have a youtube channel Ella <33 (2023-11-01 23:20:39):
okzzz i love ur cursors Unknown author (2023-11-03 06:14:14):
The basil Cursor set is saving my Omori obsessed life ty . ^^ Unknown author (2023-11-07 19:13:04):
Is cool you became a forum moderator Unknown author (2023-11-10 15:42:18):
Nice cursors BG5DF (2023-11-25 11:52:28):
How did you dual boot Windows with Ubuntu? nibbler (2023-11-26 15:54:10):
@Win.ico Unknown author (2023-12-01 15:44:45):
what is ubuntu BG5DF (2023-12-01 17:13:31):
Ubuntu is a Linux distro bru FLCool (2023-12-14 17:22:21):
what program did you use to make eeveelover64's profile is it a vector program or something else nibbler (2023-12-14 19:22:36):
RealWorld Paint FLCool (2023-12-15 14:16:37):
ok is there a avatar template or something eeveelover64 (2023-12-15 14:53:05):
nope Unknown author (2023-12-17 14:17:13):
eeee Unknown author (2023-12-23 21:50:07):
bruh BG5DF (2023-12-28 11:29:20):
Hot take: Ubuntu is better than Windows FIGHT ME!!! nibbler (2023-12-28 17:01:26):
Unknown author (2023-12-31 12:18:22):
Thank you so much for the basil my precious cursor, i will never forget this day BG5DF (2024-01-01 13:52:09):
Bye 2023! Hello 2024! FLCool (2024-01-01 18:32:46):
how do I make a Contact card like yours? nibbler (2024-01-04 18:21:46):
On your account page: Cursor Mania (2024-01-11 18:31:31):
Hi nibbler how do you put the open zone in the information of you??. I'm trying to do it but it didn't work. nibbler (2024-01-12 20:28:13):
Here is how I do it:
Cursor Mania (2024-01-17 08:31:05):
Thanks nibbler it help me a lot Cursor Mania (2024-01-17 09:26:09):
I had changed the color of my name and my name but I'm the same person, you recognize me?? nibbler (2024-01-18 18:53:21):
You're the same as fast as I know. TenZue (2024-01-23 05:44:26):
lol nibbler (2024-01-24 05:26:27):
I stopped being the Derpy Girl for a while now. I switched back to nibbler because that is what I used to be named before. TenZue (2024-01-24 06:37:53):
bru-okay.. Unknown author (2024-02-24 10:25:15):
eeee xTikans (2024-02-29 21:06:41):
I saw some of your Chibi Sonic Cursor series, I really like them, dude. 11/10 nibbler (2024-03-05 01:32:49):
thank you, xTikans! indapni (2024-04-05 02:07:45):
Yo, love the Omori cursors, did you do them yourself? nibbler (2024-04-07 22:34:08):
Yes. I usually do cursors by myself. Unknown author (2024-04-29 02:18:10):
Uhm, what the sigma Unknown author (2024-04-29 20:00:35):
wear a fez Unknown author (2024-05-14 15:17:10):
nice nibbler (2024-05-15 19:23:23):
69 Unknown author (2024-05-16 17:49:04):
wtf nibbler (2024-05-18 22:54:21):
Wrong!! TenZue (2024-05-20 22:31:23):
keep up the grind and good work! nibbler (2024-05-31 22:23:55):
___u___ Vlasta (2024-05-31 23:51:16):
I'll include the change with many others in the major update of the web. nibbler (2024-06-02 07:30:51):
That'll be great! I'll gladly wait for it to come. TenZue (2024-06-08 23:50:12):
ya nibbler (2024-06-08 23:57:37):
yaTenZue (2024-06-11 18:00:21):
GCnibbler (2024-06-16 13:07:54):
nahUnknown author (2024-06-17 01:13:44):
sigma TenZue (2024-06-17 23:42:52):
stfunibbler (2024-06-18 21:46:23):
★☆ĐɼɛɑɯÐøɭɭ¹²☆★ (2024-06-24 20:29:26):
Unknown author (2024-07-03 09:14:57):
Then well Play nibbler (2024-07-04 01:56:19):
What's that? Unknown author (2024-07-12 02:32:28):
Reduce advertisements or make them corrupted. Replace 24 to 7 or manually edit the IP number Mask of and replace to and save to corrupt the advertisements on all the sites you want to access. This strategy will only work best on Windows XP or Windows Vista, but test it... Unknown author (2024-08-01 15:55:55):
t bag
★☆ĐɼɛɑɯÐøɭɭ¹²☆★ (2024-08-13 06:29:40):
btw @nibbler is there a way I can see on how many subscribers I have nibbler (2024-08-16 02:26:42):
test ★☆ĐɼɛɑɯÐøɭɭ¹²☆★ (2024-08-20 05:31:47):
eh? nibbler (2024-08-20 06:40:40):
testing out an image earlier. Unknown author (2024-08-29 20:44:11):
hey can you draw you as a chibi how do I upload an image? hello? nibbler (2024-08-29 23:25:31):
I might draw some Chibi art someday! If you want to upload an image, go to the image section here: (you must be signed in or if you're not, have created a new account.) Alternatively, try Imgur. They allow anonymous users to upload pics and share the links. If you have an Imgur account, then you can save them to your account. Mibbler (2024-09-03 15:18:40):
nibbler (2024-09-03 21:02:42):
Maybe some Minecraft cursors? BG5DF (2024-09-08 16:46:19):
You ain't wrong about your Windows 11 rant. Is so unstable and useless. Also I know an official alternative to 0patch called LTSC, which is Windows 10 but has support for several years and thus is debloated, there's isn't even signal of bullshit Microsoft Store nibbler (2024-09-08 22:29:28):
Where can I get it?! I'd love to learn more about this! BG5DF (2024-09-10 09:28:09):
At Microsoft's page hamzasolom20 (2024-10-13 17:32:59):
Man the Chibi artwork reminds me of when I used to be active and downloaded your cursors a ton. Unknown author (2024-10-22 23:21:17):
this website is very old nibbler (2024-10-23 03:35:09):
Indeed very old! It has been here since 2005. ★☆ĐɼɛɑɯÐøɭɭ¹²☆★ (2024-11-04 06:35:55): cool cursors btw RIDDLER (2024-11-19 17:15:01):
Your profile is very nice. I appreciate it so much. nibbler (2025-01-02 07:35:45):
A throwback for some reason:
Another throwback:
TenZue (2025-01-20 20:27:03):
stfu nibbler (2025-01-21 07:17:14):
Yes, TenZue, I won't say anything like that again. TenZue (2025-01-22 03:44:53):
-_- It's better to just hop off your pc now atp, ur js as weird as those anons now but im not gonna mind since u know ur wrong better then nothing so its all good TenZue (2025-01-22 18:50:05):
actually imma start smth else TenZue (2025-01-23 03:29:48):
ROASTING PACKAGESUnknown author (2025-01-31 00:55:01):
yooo!! what cursors u making for the big '25??!! nibbler (2025-01-31 05:27:45):
Tricky question! I don't know, as I mainly use this site for moderation. I'll eventually make another cursor set, so stay tuned! TenZue (2025-02-01 21:24:12):
NEW CURSOR SET Cursor Mania (2025-02-03 17:15:14):
Hi I have something new in my profile!! TenZue (2025-02-05 08:56:15):
DIFFERENT TYPES OF CHROMA 3D SHADED Cursors TenZue (2025-02-06 01:34:01):
Different Types of VISTA Cursors TenZue (2025-02-08 19:18:50):
Different Types of REALWORLD Simple Cursors ♩⊹⋆⚢☣Sotaru☣⚢⋆⊹♩ (2025-02-14 17:29:31):
Please read or at least check out this forum.. Unknown author (2025-03-10 14:42:47):
Arandomplayer8 (2025-03-12 12:03:40):
Bro your page is amazing. I love all of the cursor sets you've favorited! Unknown author (2025-03-13 04:55:47):
hey do you think you could make a loading cookie clicker classic cursor pls your other ones are so cool Unknown author (2025-03-19 05:04:46):
SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA nibbler (2025-03-19 19:27:26):
What the Σ??Unknown author (2025-03-21 05:17:03):
yeh do u think you could plsss they are so cool nibbler (2025-03-22 03:12:38):
I'll see if I can do that by the end of the month. I recently had struggles with real life lately, and I've been dormant lately, so I'll keep you posted. |