Cursor Library - sets #41-80

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Cursor sets

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Paper Plane TeaserPaper Plane Cursors
by glitchy121klittle paper planes have icons that pop out
Runescape Dragon2H TeaserRunescape Dragon2H Cursors
by PhilEvil28kThis is a set of static cursors that I made within 2 hours. This is m...
Yoda Lightsaber TeaserYoda Lightsaber Cursors
by PhilEvil36kUsing A cursor I found on the internet, I decided it would be cool to...
Redsword TeaserRedsword Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart5619Pur'roc Redsword cursor. (
Animated Gun TeaserAnimated Gun Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart6579A simple drawing of a gun with a crosshair. The crosshair and gun wil...
Dove TeaserDove Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart19kI started with the dove cursor from the Christianity section of Curso...
Bionicle TeaserBionicle Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart1700Year 2001 Bionicle cursors made with Rayg Kit 2.0, Mega Rayg Kit 2.0,...
Toffee Apple TeaserToffee Apple Cursors
by Dan1841A bad quality set of cursors. (Bad for normal standard but im only 13!)
Gun Advanced TeaserGun Advanced Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart18kYou know Gun've've dreamed for more. A dra...
Reddypoint TeaserReddypoint Cursors
by Kizzume11kTriangular, animated, sharp-pointed, and red. This is v2 of Reddypoin...
Mac Aero TeaserMac Aero Cursors
by Data Dude17kbasicly Macintosh with the Aero colors.
Reddypoint Steadypoint TeaserReddypoint Steadypoint Cursors
by Kizzume7907Here is a non-animated, non flashy version of my reddypoint cursor.
Teddy Bear TeaserTeddy Bear Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart22kNormal Select and Alternate Select are straight from CursorMania. All...
Earth Set TeaserEarth Set Cursors
by dwaxe17kStarted off with the Pointer and Earth. Made all of the other ones th...
Colours TeaserColours Cursors
by Jerd1851These cursors change colours.
Pictures TeaserPictures Cursors
by Jerd9301Different pictures made into cursors.
Kid TeaserKid Cursors
by Jerd5420this cute lil guy will catch your heart :)
Interface TeaserInterface Cursors
by Fythring2605Simple, tech-interface type of cursors, with smooth animations. For t...
Gethsemane TeaserGethsemane Cursors
by Fythring7065A crystal staff-type set of cursors. Dedicated to the audience of fan...
Tools TeaserTools Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart5455For manual labor. I found the images used on Google Image Search.
Let the Flames Begin! TeaserLet the Flames Begin! Cursors
by Fythring4713Burning flames on a stick, and then some. For the pyromaniac in all o...
SlipKnoT  TeaserSlipKnoT Cursors
by Pulse of a MaggoT3972An animated SlipKnoT-Set
Red Glass Amaranth TeaserRed Glass Amaranth Cursors
by Fythring17kA shiny cursor set I made, called Red Glass Amaranth (has nothing to ...
Windows Transparent TeaserWindows Transparent Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart19kRegular Windows cursors, with a twist. The basic shape is outlined wi...
Blood Splatter TeaserBlood Splatter Cursors
by glitchy28kblood splaters with cursor icons in them v2 easier controll
absract Teaserabsract Cursors
by Trez1427u tell me
Greeny TeaserGreeny Cursors
by Kizzume28kA nice green cursor set.
Flames TeaserFlames Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart16kI found the flame on Google Image Search. (Search: flames filetype:gi...
Sniper Scope TeaserSniper Scope Cursors
by OSSagent33kRifle scope with crosshairs inspired by the game “Sniper Elite.” ...
Red Jewel, Yellow Arrow TeaserRed Jewel, Yellow Arrow Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart2846I made it myself, no help from other scources except the standard Win...
Bouncy Bob TeaserBouncy Bob Cursors
by Dan12kCrazy Bouncing Bob!!!
CoolPointer TeaserCoolPointer Cursors
by Mr. Zidgel5608These cursors were made before the Vista OS period. Don't consider th...
Blue Flame TeaserBlue Flame Cursors
by Trez1809some hot gas cursors
StickDude TeaserStickDude Cursors
by Mr. Zidgel24kWatch it be stupid with a movie! --------------------------------- St...
Cell Phone TeaserCell Phone Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart11kGraphics from Google Image Search. Some modified, many animated.
My Cool Stuff TeaserMy Cool Stuff Cursors
by Tubby1101Well, these are some of my BEST cursors ever. The "Bloons" one was re...
Accessibility - Windows Classic Style TeaserAccessibility - Windows Classic Style Cursors
by Mr. Zidgel6747Cursors specialy designed for left-handed people.
Comix TeaserComix Cursors
by Anonymous75kA port of the Linux Comix cursors. The original set contains cursors ...
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...