Cursor Set - Smoking Swords

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Smoking Swords Cursors

Smoking Swords
  • Published on September 18th 2012 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.8 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

First cursors I've made. Hope you like them.

Tags: Sword 3D Fantasy


by grotesquemess

See also

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by AJaxx1121A fun, legacy CursorXP set from 2005 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
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by adrenochromedream758A random grab bag of great stuff
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by 000938Shovel Knight Cursors, Sprites from "Sprites Resource" El ultimo se l...
Mega Man X TeaserMega Man X Cursors
by 0003234"Mega Man X Cursors", Sprites from "Sprites Resource"
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by adrenochromedream1152a fun mix of flashy colored cursors

Recent reviews and comments

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user icon grotesquemess registered user on September 19th 2012

thank you

user icon grotesquemess registered user on September 19th 2012

if you think I am going in the right direction and you would like to see more cursors, just post a message saying what you would like to see me make next. I can't always make everything, but I'll most likely try.

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on September 20th 2012

4.5 out of 5 stars.

These swords look good you should try making other weapons. :-)

user icon grotesquemess registered user on September 20th 2012

Okay I will thanks I'll make them soon

what sort of weapons? guns? crossbows? bows? other?

user icon cdl contributing user on October 2nd 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

ahh.. these are great!
you say that you "lack in creativity" but I disagree!
and I am amazed at the speed at which you seem to be able to deliver your finished products!
I am glad you found my icons so I could find your work!
Keep up the Great Work! icon-image/3078-48x48x32.png image

user icon grotesquemess registered user on October 2nd 2012

:-) thank you! I am also glad i found your icons, they are amazing and sharp :-)

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on October 8th 2012

4.5 out of 5 stars.

As for other weapons don't make guns unless you can make them stand out from the other gun cursors on this website. Crossbows would be cool(there is only one crossbow set on this site currently) or possibly battle axes because almost everything axe related on this site is runescape or minecraft.


user icon grotesquemess registered user on October 8th 2012

yeah, i noticed runescape even has its own tag lol. i play the game from time to time but its very unoriginal to create runescape cursors. ill take that into consideration and try to think of some unique crossbows/battleaxes to do :P

user icon deadly bro registered user on May 12th 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

lack of creativity you are soo wrong you are 100% excellent at craeticty awesome job

user icon Anonymous on September 27th 2021

mmmmm its nice not nice

user icon Anonymous