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Showing items 1-50 of 346 items matching 'gradient cursors'.

Blue To Green Gradient TeaserBlue To Green Gradient Cursors
by limabean125869Cool Cursors with a blue and green gradient. Edit: 813 downloads in l...
PowerGZ TeaserPowerGZ Cursors
by power659div.GameItemTitle { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #404177 ...
Red & Orange Gradient TeaserRed & Orange Gradient Cursors
by oskiebadoskie3413This is an unfinished pack with red and orange gradient cursors
Energetic TeaserEnergetic Cursors
by ARGs1547These cursors were inspired by when I was playing SPORE. Oh, and thes...
Recording Theme (plus a flame experiment) TeaserRecording Theme (plus a flame experiment) Cursors
by T Bird651This is a test posting of a recording theme cursor set. The speaker ...
Green Teal TeaserGreen Teal Cursors
by RIDDLER143I have made this green teal cursor set using the 2023 version of Real...
Anathema Normal Blue TeaserAnathema Normal Blue Cursors
by RIDDLER146Here is the normal blue version of the Anathema cursor series. This A...
Oxy Light Green TeaserOxy Light Green Cursors
by RIDDLER223There is an Oxy Light Green cursor set available now. This green curs...
Anathema Orange TeaserAnathema Orange Cursors
by RIDDLER129The orange colour is always tasty. This cursor set tastes like an ora...
Windows XP 3D Green TeaserWindows XP 3D Green Cursors
by RIDDLER31Here is the Windows XP 3D Green cursor set that I have found and fixe...
Anathema Light Blue TeaserAnathema Light Blue Cursors
by RIDDLER248I have uploaded the Anathema Light Blue cursor set. I have requested ...
Ripples TeaserRipples Cursors
by RIDDLER71Using the tagged library of RealWorld Cursor Editor, I have downloade...
Colorful gradient TeaserColorful gradient Cursors
by LightCM2090I love this combination of colors... I was inspired to make this fun ...
Binary Enchanced - Orange & Purple TeaserBinary Enchanced - Orange & Purple Cursors
by RIDDLER1051I have great news for you, my audience. Today, I welcome you with two...
Green Curve Bubble TeaserGreen Curve Bubble Cursors
by RIDDLER35Green Curve Bubble - How I made it? I am now working on a new green c...
Rainbow MLG 2025 TeaserRainbow MLG 2025 Cursors
by RIDDLER238Rainbow MLG 2025 Hi everyone. Today, on November 4th 2024, I began to...
Windows XP Style TeaserWindows XP Style Cursors
by inactive account5193Windows XP cursors modified to have a blue gradient and anti-aliasing.
Rainbow Glass TeaserRainbow Glass Cursors
by Chess2557This is a very colorful set of cursors that have a rainbow gradient a...
Green Gradient TeaserGreen Gradient Cursors
by not used anymore989This cursor set is all about 15 cursors in green that have a gradient...
Gradient TeaserGradient Cursors
by Mr X833Gradient Spinning Cursors
Vaporwave Fire Gradient Black TeaserVaporwave Fire Gradient Black Cursors
by Foxxey2822A new color palette to try out. Inspired by XP cursors. If you need h...
Hotline Black TeaserHotline Black Cursors
by Babaluggy14kHotline Black Cursor Pack, Vaporwave, Retrowave, Outrun, cyan to pink...
Gradient colorful TeaserGradient colorful Cursors
by CutePusheenLove3249This set has 6 different colorful cursors. They were drawn on the rea...
Magnified v2 TeaserMagnified v2 Cursors
by blueslime32600Magnified v2 is a new version of the old Magnified cursor set by Micr...
Cyan Gradient TeaserCyan Gradient Cursors
by NickFair830Full set of Cursors for Windows 10 (not including people or location ...
Green Arrow TeaserGreen Arrow Cursors
by Sirea4194Modified version of my Red Arrow cursor set with two different animat...
Gradient TeaserGradient Cursors
by Lost Girl1205This is my first cursor set that actually uses gradient colours. Enjoy!
Liny TeaserLiny Cursors
by dreammaayan359cursors that are just default with gradient colours and lines coverun...
Vaporwave Hotline White Plus TeaserVaporwave Hotline White Plus Cursors
by Foxxey3090Hotline White Cursor Pack, Vaporwave, Retrowave, Outrun, cyan to pink...
Fortnite - Ember TeaserFortnite - Ember Cursors
by Nikentomolog2644The set made to fit Ember outfit (Especially the Cinder glider) from ...
Highlight Brown 10 TeaserHighlight Brown 10 Cursors
by RIDDLER635A new Highlight Brown 10 cursor set is now available for grabs. This ...
White Gradient TeaserWhite Gradient Cursors
by music98o1152Simple white cursors with gradient
Hotline White TeaserHotline White Cursors
by Babaluggy5936Hotline White Cursor Pack, Vaporwave, Retrowave, Outrun, cyan to pink...
Steel Ultimus TeaserSteel Ultimus Cursors
by J9238A glass orb encased in stainless steel cursor. Thanks to the tutorial...
Fiery Sword TeaserFiery Sword Cursors
by the E man1223I added an animated gradient sword
3d Blue Sphere Teaser3d Blue Sphere Cursors
by TheMouseMan2481This set is all animated and set to a 3D-ish style of blue-to-white g...
Gradient Clock TeaserGradient Clock Cursors
by Lost Girl608This is a floow-up of my gradient cursors. Enjoy!
Blue Gradient TeaserBlue Gradient Cursors
by BlockCabin2605Blue gradient cursors. Made with RealWorld Cursor editor and GIMP.
Warm Gradient Triangle TeaserWarm Gradient Triangle Cursors
by CutePusheenLove38Animated Warm Gradient Triangle Cursors. This is my first animated cu...
Monochrome gif TeaserMonochrome gif Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN723I inspired from my loading DOT cursor one, and decided to add the bla...
Red&White Hand Pointers TeaserRed&White Hand Pointers Cursors
by JdP838If you love the hand pointers used as a windows default for link sele...
White Marble TeaserWhite Marble Cursors
by RIDDLER33I am a content creator who likes to be creative and come up with dazz...
Vaporwave Hotline Black Plus TeaserVaporwave Hotline Black Plus Cursors
by Foxxey7713Hotline Black Cursor Pack, Vaporwave, Retrowave, Outrun, cyan to pink...
Gradient Bubbles TeaserGradient Bubbles Cursors
by MinecraftGirl12273573Gradient bubbles, made by making a circle and putting gradient.
Book TeaserBook Cursors
by BlockCabin476This set was harder to make than the last set (Blue Gradient Cursors)...
Funky Black & White TeaserFunky Black & White Cursors
by JdP283this is a full set made to look like apple's default cursor with funk...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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